In Defense of 'Cat Lady' Comment

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

I freely admit that I have no idea whether J.D. Vance's "cat lady" comment will impact the election. 

I think it is unlikely that it will, given that Donald Trump won after his "grab 'em by the p**sy" fiasco, but I concede that it may have a marginal impact. Very marginal, compared to the full-blown operation to destroy Vance on every being born. It is just one of many mostly made-up lines of attack that quite literally include the Democratic Vice Presidential candidate slyly insinuating that Vance had sex with a couch. 


In other words, Vance's weakness is that he is a Republican, not some offhand comment. 

But let me actually defend the comment for a moment: for millions of Americans, it is a relief that somebody actually said something important that we all understand at some level but are afraid to say: crazy cat ladies DO run the Democratic Party, although the term most of us use is Affluent White Liberal Females. 

For too long, Republicans have hobbled themselves by pulling their punches and pretending Democrats are just somewhat more friendly to government than Republicans. In return for this frustrating unwillingness to say the truth out loud, more and more Republicans have gotten downright angry at their Republican representatives. That is the secret to so many people's attraction to Donald Trump. 

To many Americans, a politician who says the truth is refreshing, even if he says it inartfully or even in an occasionally cringy manner. Trump won in 2016 despite often being cringy because he blurted out truth bombs, and many people sighed in relief. The contrast with Hillary Clinton was refreshing. 


With the "cat lady" comment, J.D. Vance, who is usually quite controlled in his comments, even if he is pretty honest, said something that most people, with the exception of the crazy cat ladies, actually think. The Democrats are run by crazy cat ladies who are grotesquely emotional, irrational, and much cringier than saying this truth out loud. 

Just look at any random comment from Molly Jong-Fast, a regular on MSNBC, and you realize where the heart of the Democrat Party is. 

Is it wise to say it out loud? How much does it offend women? 

You tell me. I am not a woman. But if Trump can get elected with his much more offensive comments, I doubt that this one will be a fatal wound. It's not like ordinary women don't know that crazy cat ladies exist. 

This is already the testosterone vs estrogen election. I don't like it, but the division exists prior to any unearthed comment by Vance. For decades now there has been a gender gap, and while I would love to see it close because it is stupid in the extreme, the people most offended by Vance's comments are mostly Democrats, and Republican women as a whole don't vote on offhand comments. They care about their kids, the economy, safety, and stability. Just as most men do. 

Democrat men are not exclusively soy-boys, but the majority of them are these days. A party that used to be the working man's representative now hates them with a passion. It hates conservative women, conservative blacks, conservatives period. It is almost exclusively about radical social issues and redistribution. It is the DEI party, the "systemic" whatever party, the defund the police party, and the open borders policy. 


If you oppose that idiocy Vance's comment isn't going to make you vote for Kamala, and if you are a crazy cat lady you likely support those policies. 

Do I wish Vance had been less inartful? Perhaps, but not much. It rang true to me and to a vast chunk of Americans, including voters who are open to voting Republican. 

The hyperventilation about the hits Vance has taken in the media is stupid. Do you think that the media wouldn't do exactly the same thing to ANY Republican on the short list for VP. These people coordinated a campaign with the Democrats to tell people that J.D. Vance had sex with a couch--a hoax just like every other hoax the mainstream media and the left push out every days. 

Nothing and nobody will be exempt from hoaxes, criticism, casual slanders, and media manipulation as long as it helps Donald Trump. 

Kamala Harris picked an outright socialist who made pedophiles a protected class, who made Minnesota safe for parents who kidnap their children to sterilize and mutilate themselves, who has lied about his service to his country (when he didn't have to at all, because serving honorably is praiseworthy). Kamala has promised to do an interview with the media--but asks us all to wait another three weeks, so 6 or 7 weeks after becoming the candidate. 

Forget the media criticism. We have work to do, and that means going around the media and occasionally dropping truth bombs. 



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