Biden Is Suddenly George Washington

AP Photo/Evan Vucci, Pool

A week ago everybody was angry at Joe Biden for being a selfish, senile old man who was tanking the Democrats' chances of winning the next election. 

Today, he is George Washington, or perhaps Cincinnattus. 


Joe Biden is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever known in my life.

I am getting whiplash from all the reversals happening so quickly. Usually these narrative shifts take a bit longer. 

The level of gaslighting is so far beyond normal that you have to think it is not just coordinated--it obviously is--but also part of the deal that was cut with Joe Biden. The Joe Biden the American people have gotten to know is selfish, intellectually underpowered, incompetent, nasty, and senile. 

His great accomplishment is answering all the questions! 

The assertion that Biden did something special by stepping out of the race is beyond ridiculous. He had literally no chance to get reelected, so he is not giving up anything. Not one damn thing. 


In fact, he is retaining what power he can--after all, he clearly should resign or be pushed out. He doesn't have the mental capacity or physical stamina to do the job, but he selfishly is trying to squeeze out what little juice he can from his position as the most powerful man on Earth. 

In other words, he is doing exactly the opposite of "giving up power." It will have to be pried out of his cold, dead hands if he can help it. He had zero choice about "giving up power" because it was going to be either taken away by the voters or by the Democrat Party itself. It's not like Biden was going to serve another four years in any conceivable circumstances. 


This past couple of weeks have been historic, and history is being rewritten before our eyes. Years-old web pages are being rewritten or even wiped off the internet; Kamala Harris was never the Border Czar; Joe Biden is a towering historical figure; the economy is amazing...

What next? 

Does anybody buy this crap? 

Most people who hear all this will not believe it, but some of it will stick: the idea that Biden "gave up power." That is what they want to plant in people's minds because they are going to use that idea to undermine Trump. 

Joe Biden gave up power willingly; Donald Trump did not. That is their message. 

The Democrats are getting a two-fer out of this line. They are patting Joe Biden on the head, assuring him that they will rewrite history to make him one of the greats. And they are planting in everybody's mind that Democrats, unlike Republicans, respect the limits we place on the power of the president. 


Biden the president, Donald Trump the dictator-in-waiting. 

Watch them do it. It is obvious once you see it. 


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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | September 06, 2024