Frank Biden: President's Health 'Absolutely' Played a Role in Biden Leaving Race

AP Photo/Frank Franklin II

Yet another domino falls.

We have gone from Joe Biden is "sharp as a tack" to "cheap fakes" to "it was a bad night" to, now, Joe Biden is leaving the race because his health is failing. 


This news comes amid the blizzard of phony Democrat claims that Biden getting pushed out of the race shows what an American hero he is, and it comes from an unimpeachable source: Joe Biden's brother. 

Frank is mourning the loss of his...income stream. Frank, after all, makes his living off of being Joe Biden's brother. So it is no surprise that this non-media-trained Biden let slip with a Kinsley Gaffe, accidentally saying what he thinks despite it being a stupid thing to say. 

This certainly punctures the narrative that Joe, Kamala, and almost every Democrat has been pushing even since the disastrous debate performance--that Joe should go not because he isn't capable of doing the job, but because he is no longer able to win the race. 

Joe is not capable of doing the job. Frank even said something along the lines of "enjoying what time we have left" to be together, obviously suggesting that Joe Biden is not long for this world. 


Even Margaret Brennan of CBS was blown away by the revelation, likely not because Joe Biden's decline isn't obvious, but because it just reinforces what everybody already knew: everybody around Joe Biden was lying all along about Joe's fitness, and most still are. 

That's why Bidenworld is now trashing Bidenbrother. This could leave Joe's seat in the Oval Office in doubt. 

After all, Joe remains the President of the United States, and Frank Biden just admitted on national TV that he is, perhaps, on death's door. At the very least, his health is definitely a problem. 

Republicans have naturally been pushing for Biden to step down, both for the obvious political reason that a President Kamala would instantly inherit all the liabilities of the Biden Administration, be forced to demonstrate how ridiculous she is time and again and for the simple reason that Biden is not fit to be president in fraught times. 


Even many Democrats not blinded by partisanship see this. My Twitter friend Carl has been calling this out for a while.

The mainstream media is likely to get behind the "Joe Biden is a hero for stepping down," but I suspect there will be some enterprising reporters who are going to keep digging into Biden's health. 

Frank Biden just put chum in the water, and not every journalist is going to ignore the scent of blood. This one is too easy, too obvious, and you already have the grain of sand around which the pearl will be formed. 

The president's brother says Joe Biden's health played a "considerable" role in his exit from the race. That is too juicy a story to ignore, and some disgruntled Democrats are likely ready to leak. 


That won't help Kamala, although we have yet to see how effectively the protection racket media will shield her. But I would be shocked if everybody out there will ignore the Pulitzer bait that is just sitting there waiting to be bitten. 

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Jazz Shaw 4:40 PM | October 17, 2024