The Lincoln Project Turns Down the Heat By Calling Trump Hitler

Peruvian Anti-Drug Police via AP

Well, that didn't take long. 

Four days after a crazed 20-year-old killed and wounded spectators at a Donald Trump rally and wounded former President Trump, The Lincoln Project has released a 60-second advertisement calling Trump the reincarnation of Hitler. 


You can't make this up. They really went there. Now. 

Let's be clear: The Lincoln Project pretty obviously wants somebody else to take a shot at Donald Trump

That isn't hyperbole. That is, I truly believe, the truth of the matter. They want Donald Trump dead. Because everybody knows that the way to stop Hitler is to take him out. We even make movies about the people who tried to do so, starring Tom Cruise. Trying to kill Hitler makes you the good guy. 

We are mere days after one of the most shocking events in recent years, and almost nobody disagrees that the rhetoric has reached the level of incitement. Dan Goldman called for Trump to be "eliminated," and Trump has been compared to the most evil man of the 20th century. No Republican I know was surprised that somebody took a shot at him. 


If you have a shot at Hitler, you take it. This is one of those questions everybody wonders about: if you could kill baby Hitler, would you? This is the ultimate time travel hypothetical, and most people answer, "Yes, of course." Stalin and Mao may be responsible for more deaths, but Hitler is burned into our minds as the ultimate figure of evil. 

That's why The Lincoln Project goes there once again. They want him dead and aren't afraid to make that clear. That's what I hear in this ad. Perhaps you see it differently, but that is exactly what I hear. 

Here's the script via Descript:

In the 1930s, Hitler didn't just seize power, it was handed to him by the wealthy, by the powerful, by a compliant elite, by people who thought they were above the angry masses and violent anti-Semites. He was given power by Germans who knew what he believed but thought they could contain him, control him, that his crazed speeches and dangerous antics were just for show, that he would never turn on them. 

But like every German, A dictator before or since, Hitler used his power to bring death, despair, and tragedy to the world.  Before the world said,  never again. Millions of Germans believed it can't happen here.  Germany bet wrong in 1933.  Will we?  


Is that incitement? 

In this context, I think it is. 

Others may disagree. But if you do, remember that Lincoln Project founder Rick Wilson called for "putting a bullet" in Donald Trump. Which almost happened. His co-founder, by the way, had to resign because he was exposed for being "inappropriate" with a teen boy. He was inappropriate with 21 men, in fact. 

John Weaver, a longtime Republican strategist and co-founder of the prominent anti-Trump group the Lincoln Project, has for years sent unsolicited and sexually provocative messages online to young men, often while suggesting he could help them get work in politics, according to interviews with 21 men who received them.

His solicitations included sending messages to a 14-year-old, asking questions about his body while he was still in high school and then more pointed ones after he turned 18.

These guys are the best the anti-Trumpers have? In 2020, the Left poured more than $80 million into their coffers. Much of that flowed into the pockets of the board members, of course. 


Nobody could possibly argue that The Lincoln Project is "toning down the rhetoric." I wonder what the Lincoln Project's leftist donors have to say about this ad.

Will anybody in the mainstream media ask them? Seriously. Will they? Will Rick Wilson show up on the big TV channels to spread even more bile?

They want bloodshed. Not Republicans, who, even by the accounts of Slate and The Nation, are engaged in a joyful celebration of America and unity. It is the radical anti-Trumpers who are whipping up the Left into a frenzy. 

It's all they have left. Fear and hate. 

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