Even MSNBC Is Split on Biden

AP Photo/Steven Senne, File

If you want to take the temperature of how the Left is emoting (they don't think; they emote), there is no place better than MSNBC. They are a better barometer of Leftist thinking than The View since those harridans are simply stupid and crazy. 


MSNBC's sources are almost exclusively Democrats, their bubble is filled with Democrats, and their hosts are most certainly Democrats. They are Democrat central, which is why Joe Biden loves Morning Joe so much. 

Well, MSNBC is in the thick of the civil war within the Democrat Party. Opinions range from "Joe is going to win" to "Joe is the Kindest, Bravest, Warmest, Most Wonderful Human Being I’ve Ever Known in My Life,’ but he has to step aside to prevent Donald Trump impose fascism on America and throw us all in a prison camp."

It really is fun to watch, if you can stomach seeing these people at all. Some hosts, like Laurence O'Donnell, are all-in on the "Biden is sharp as a tack" hoax. 

And Ron Klain is over the moon for Joe Biden, but since his future is tied inextricably to Biden's success that is no surprise. 

Chris Matthews goes even further, assuring his viewers that not only will Joe Biden win, but that will be consequences for those who abandon him now. The "Elites" (of whom Matthews would be one, were he not all-in for Biden now), have always hated Biden and when he wins they will get their comeuppance!


Payback will be a bitch, baby!

Others, like Rachel Maddow, tell you how much they LOVE Joe Biden, but fear that he will lose and that every single person to the left of Francisco Franco will be hauled off to camps and tortured or something. She doesn't explicitly call for Biden to get out, but she sure as heck keeps repeating that others can beat Trump too. 

Get the hint, Joe?

Reverend Al fires a shot across the bow to the Democrats: Black people are going to feel betrayed if the White elites push out Biden, and especially if they don't kiss Kamala Harris' feet. Black people are the backbone of the Democrat Party, and none of them are in the mix right now. Sure, Hakeem Jeffries might be Speaker, but everybody calling for Biden (save one so far) is WHITE!


Think about this: some Black voters are DONE with the Democrats for being liars, and now others might be done if the insiders dump Joe Biden. 

You can't win, can you? 

Then you have some of the newsmakers, who are not real high on Biden, to say the least. They may be the elites that Chris Matthews wants to get their comeuppance, but they also control some of the levers of power, much of the Narrative™, and perhaps more importantly, the money that is drying up. 


So far the civil war has been mostly...civil, but there are even signs that the heat will be turned up soon because the splits in the party aren't only over Biden. The Democrats already have a Gaza problem, and some key elements of the party are super angry already. They may not control the levers of power, but they have passion and a tendency toward violence. 

That ain't good. 

Hakeem Jeffries is in the middle all this drama, and he just met with the president. It sounds like he went in with a mixed message and came out not feeling so good. His statement was mushy, making it clear that his House members are unhappy with the president and each other. 

And it all boils down to this, as MSNBC reporter Ali Vitali put it: no data can solve the problem. People have their opinions are are sticking to them. Nobody is happy. 


Donors are looking at this mess and balking. They don't want to throw good money after bad--furthering the "White Elite" problem with people like Reverend Al, and furthering the "he can't win" problem with mainstream Democrats. It's a disaster. 

Keep an eye on MSNBC. It is the place where you can get the "vibes" from the Democrats the best. It is painful to watch (I just watch clips), but it's the most reliable source when it comes to what Democrats are thinking and want their supporters to hear. 

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Ed Morrissey 10:40 PM | September 12, 2024