
New Spin: Trust the Deep State

The New York Times

In the course of a few months, we have gone from "there is no deep state" to "the deep state is awesome" to "it doesn't matter that the president is demented because we have the deep state to run things. 

Once again, they have done the meme. 

Jeh Johnson is simply saying the quiet part out loud: Joe Biden is not now and certainly will not be going forward the President of the United States, and we should all be fine with that. 

Who needs a president when we have an administrative state? 

If you think about it, that has been the theme undergirding all the various arguments from Democrats that Joe Biden should stay on the ballot, and many of the arguments that he should not. With a few exceptions, even the Democrats who are calling for Biden to step down aren't doing so on the basis that a demented man should not be president but rather that Biden will almost certainly lose this November. 

The premise of this Jake Tapper question to Senator Chris Coons, the co-chair of Biden's campaign, is that Biden's mental state is separate from (and perhaps less important than) Biden's ability to beat Trump this November. 

In quote after quote, interview after interview, the primary questions have been "Can Biden win?" and "Will Biden hurt the down-ballot races?"

In other words, it really doesn't matter who the president is as long as he can win and have an Establishment-approved team around him to run the country.

Call it the "yes, Minister" theory of government. The leader is a figurehead and the real power is behind the throne. 

These are the people who want to "save democracy," which really means "save technocracy." Rule by apparatchiks, technocrats, "experts," and most of all, the special interests who back the Party. 

The needs of the country and especially the demands of national security take a back seat to the needs of the Party and the interests it represents. They want a Corporate States of America run by them, not the old, tired, nationalist United States of America. 

Of course, this is no revelation to those of us who are paying attention. The only thing "new" about this is how openly the Establishment is talking about it, and how confident they are that Americans will tolerate this state of affairs. 

The sad and scary thing is that they have some reason to believe this might work, although in the end, it is very unlikely to carry the Democrats over the finish line this November. 

The acceptance of pandemic-era policies that shredded the Constitution, forced people into staying home, injecting an experimental cocktail into their bodies, and, most of all, taking pleasure in the deaths of their fellow citizens when they were political opponents suggests that a large chunk of America is just fine with this state of affairs. 

People are coming out of the woodwork proudly proclaiming that they would rather have a brainless near-corpse in the Oval Office than allow people they dislike to have a say in how their government works. 

They like that the deep state runs things, and that in itself is depressing. 

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