Sunday Smiles


I wish I could say "Unbelievable," but of course, it is anything but. This is just another day in Big Brother's world of Big Tech. 

As Reform UK has been skyrocketing in the polls, Google internationalists decided to ensure that the message of the party was throttled. They banned the political party from using their advertising platform--which controls an enormous percentage of the advertising market. Facebook is the other big player. 


I am sure that they had some flimsy excuse about "hate," "extremism," "racism," "xenophobia," or "Islamophobia," but we all know the real reason why Google did this: Reform is taking votes away not just from the Tories but also from Labour, and the Leftists at Google believe that the voters of Great Britain are rubes who need to be told what to do, what to think, and how to vote. 

Of course, they believe that about everyone with whom they disagree. 

Google's excuse was that they were protecting the "safety" of people, whatever that means. Safe from wrongthink, which is the biggest danger to the globalists. 

I suppose that thinking the wrong thing is "unsafe" if the Party says so. 

It's an interesting question: do the people who did this actually believe that Reform UK says unsafe things? Do they think Reform getting power is inherently "unsafe" in some nebulous way? Perhaps they believe that the Islamists marching through the streets and the butchers in the alphabet community will have to see ads with which they disagree, and that is too much for their delicate constitutions. 

Or is this just about imposing their politics on people? They have the power to hurt people they dislike, so they use it. 


I suspect it is a lot of both: ideologically, most Googlers probably believe that everything that doesn't fit their point of view is a danger. 

And they have power and should use it to harm those they dislike. All tyrants' definition of justice is "Help your friends and harm your enemies." Rules are for suckers. 

Farage, though, has cultural power that most of us don't have and friends in high places. After massive pushback and criticism from ordinary Britons, the backlash against Google forced them to reverse course and reinstate Reform. I doubt that if the UK weren't in the middle of a campaign, they would have responded so quickly. 

This does, however, show that we can fight back. 

For all the talk about "norms" and "democracy," the powers that be are tyrants to the core. They believe that society is or should be dominated by them and that nobody else should have a say. That's why you get the proponents of "tolerance" and "compassion" rioting all the time, screaming epithets, and calling for the genocide of people they don't like. 

Listen to the chants at the current round of protests. Death to all whom the Left doesn't care for. 

Google obviously isn't going that far, although I bet the company donates to all sorts of organizations that support Left-wing violence. So far, they act as the elite's censors and defenders of The Narrative™. That is their role, and they accomplish it with zeal. 


Google will do much the same in the US elections, and they will piously declare they are doing this to prevent tyrannical MAGA-types from getting power. Whether they will back down as they did in the United Kingdom is an open question, however. 

Whatever the Left accuses the Right of, they are surely guilty of. 

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