Another Biden Success: Iran Producing Enough Enriched Uranium for 'Several' Bombs a Month

AP Photo/Vahid Salemi, File

Joe Biden sure knows how to achieve foreign policy goals. 

Unfortunately, the foreign policy goals he achieves are those of our enemies. 


Iran has been a thorn in the side of the Western world--and every even semi-rational person in the Middle East--ever since Jimmy Carter handed the country over to the medievalists who have turned the country into an Islamist hellhole. 

Barack Obama decided that Iran could and should be America's friend, and started kissing up to the Ayatollah and literally shipping him pallets of cash. It was amazingly stupid, and Donald Trump reversed the policy and pushed back against Iran, ensuring maximal deterrence. 

Biden, though, decided that not only Trump but Obama was too mean to the Mullahs, so for years he gave them carte blanche to attack Americans and our allies and opened up the money floodgates. The results have been impressive: Iran has coordinated attacks on Americans and our allies, used proxy forces to close the Red Sea, funded and trained Hamas, and created massive chaos, death, and destruction. 

All that, and it is near producing enough enriched Uranium to produce several nuclear bombs a month

A major expansion underway inside Iran’s most heavily protected nuclear facility could soon triple the site’s production of enriched uranium and give Tehran new options for quickly assembling a nuclear arsenal if it chooses to, according to confidential documents and analysis by weapons experts.

Inspectors with the International Atomic Energy Agency confirmed new construction activity inside the Fordow enrichment plant, just days after Tehran formally notified the nuclear watchdog of plans for a substantial upgrade at the underground facility built inside a mountain in north-central Iran.

Iran also disclosed plans for expanding production at its main enrichment plant near the city of Natanz. Both moves are certain to escalate tensions with Western governments and spur fears that Tehran is moving briskly toward becoming a threshold nuclear power, capable of making nuclear bombs rapidly if its leaders decide to do so.


I would be surprised if Iran hasn't already passed the nuclear threshold, either prepared to or having already produced a nuclear weapon. My guess is that by the time they acknowledge they have nukes, they will have more than one and their arsenal will be dispersed. 

The argument for the Biden/Obama policy has always been that better relations with Iran would dial down the tension and reduce Tehran's desire for nuclear weapons. But that rationale is based on a fundamentally flawed premise: that Tehran wants nukes to deter, not bully its neighbors. 

That's absurd. Tehran is the aggressor here, not a beleaguered, bullied, innocent who only wants to be left alone. It's not like Saudi Arabia or Israel is desperate to get into a war with Iran and take any of its territory, and Iraq is essentially a satrapy of the country now.  

Nukes are useless for fighting internal dissent, which is the Iranian government's real security threat. Any external threat is only the result of pushback against Iranian aggression. 

At Fordow alone, the expansion could allow Iran to accumulate several bombs’ worth of nuclear fuel every month, according to a technical analysis provided to The Washington Post. Though it is the smaller of Iran’s two uranium enrichment facilities, Fordow is regarded as particularly significant because its subterranean setting makes it nearly invulnerable to airstrikes.

It also is symbolically important because Fordow had ceased making enriched uranium entirely under the terms of the landmark 2015 Iran nuclear agreement. Iran resumed making the nuclear fuel there shortly after the Trump administration unilaterally withdrew from the accord in 2018.

Iran already possesses a stockpile of about 300 pounds of highly enriched uranium that could be further refined into weapons-grade fuel for nuclear bombs within weeks, or perhaps days, U.S. intelligence officials say. Iran also is believed to have accumulated most of the technical know-how for a simple nuclear device, although it would probably take another two years to build a nuclear warhead that could be fitted onto a missile, according to intelligence officials and weapons experts.


I love our confidence about the precise amounts of nuclear material the Iranians have enriched and the exact level of enrichment. 

Let's just say I have doubts about the precision with which we can detect such matters. 

As I have said before, appeasement strategies such as the one we have used with Iran don't work with countries that are determined to change the essential balance of power; you appease countries with very limited aims that don't conflict with the basic power structure in a region or the world. You deter countries that want fundamental change. 

Iran is the latter. You need sticks, not carrots to deal with it. Iran wants our destruction, not our friendship or a slight change in the rules. 

I suspect that the Iranian regime is not quite so irrational as some fear, in the sense that I doubt that even the Ayatollah wants to bring Armageddon as soon as possible. But I am also quite certain that Iran will become more and more aggressive as it gains its own deterrent, and also that other Middle Eastern countries will want to go nuclear when it is clear Iran has the bomb.

This is not good.

Thanks, Obama. Thanks, Biden. Good job. 

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David Strom 2:30 PM | March 02, 2025