
You Won't Be Surprised to Learn What Group Is Responsible for Over 3/4 of Rapes in Paris

AP Photo/Thibault Camus

Unfortunately, the majority of rapes committed in Paris remain unsolved, but of the perpetrators who have been caught, 77% are foreign nationals. 

I'm shocked! Shocked, I tell you!

Sexual violence has been on the rise across Europe, and it is an open secret that the perpetrators are mainly migrants from the Muslim world. This is true in Great Britain, in Sweden, Germany, and, of course, in this case, France

More than three quarters of rapes on the streets of Paris last year were committed by foreign nationals, according to shocking data from French authorities.

97 rapes were recorded in public spaces in France's capital in 2023 - fewer than a third of which have been solved, local outlet Europe 1 reported.

Of the 97, 36 were arrested, 28 of whom were of foreign nationality - a staggering 77 per cent of those accused - while 30 cases were solved by the authorities.

To put it kindly, the norms and expectations of Europeans and how Westerners view women differs greatly from those in many countries--especially Islamic countries, many of which have legal systems that see women as objects and essentially chattel. 

We are constantly chastised for pointing out what everybody already knows: people from non-Western countries do not have Western values and have shown very little inclination to adopt them. That is not a statement of prejudice or xenophobia; it is a basic fact of life. 

"Diversity is our strength" is a slogan that describes reality as well as any other piece of communist propaganda. 

In the United Kingdom, you have the Rotherham child rape scandals in which the authorities turned a blind eye to "Asian" child grooming gangs sexually abusing thousands of children, fearing accusations of racism. 

The reality is that men who come to Western countries from places that expect women to look like this see women differently. 

In what universe would you not expect them to behave differently around women whose bodies are exposed more fully? For some of these men, seeing a woman's hair is considered provocative. 

Ask Iranian women about that. 

Why is it so hard to simply recognize reality? Muslims in many Western countries are quite open about wanting to institute sharia law; we should be equally open and honest and tell them to go elsewhere if they don't like our countries, our mores, and our laws. 

We've conducted the experiment: when you import third-world people, you are importing third-world values. It's not the case that every Muslim who migrates West is a medievalist who can't behave in a civilized fashion. But it isn't racist to ensure that we don't import medievalists who can't behave in a civilized fashion. 

Instead, we coddle many such people when they arrive. 

Open borders are a disaster. 

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