THIS Is the Headline They Chose?

AP Photo/Michael Probst

Last week, an Islamist terrorist went on a stabbing spree at a German rally opposing Muslim immigration to Germany. 

The terrorist, who stabbed several protesters, was a "refugee" from Syria let into the country by Angela Merkel, sorta proving the point of the protesters. 


He was being subdued by a protester when a police officer tacked...the man subduing him, presumably because a White German was "attacking" a poor Muslim man only doing his duty of attacking a non-Muslim, which is verboten in Germany. Clearly he was the racist aggressor, so the Islamist must be protected. 

What did the poor Islamist victim do? 

Stab the policeman, who died over the weekend. Only after the stabbing of the policeman did one of his colleagues stop the terrorist with, presumably, a Glock. He, too, died. 

If you wonder what our betters in the media and the Establishment think of this, enjoy the headlines:

It was, of course, the Germans and not the terrorist who was at fault. If they had only shut up and accepted the increased crime, drive for Sharia law, and of course, the increased violent crime and rapes that the "refugees" brought with them the attack would never have happened. 

What is wrong with these "right-wing" racists? 


Olaf Schultz, the German Prime Minister, gave a speech blaming the Right, and some left-wing Germans came out in support of the terrorist. Really, now, it is bad form to oppose the takeover of Germany by guests who have been invited in. 

For a movement that claims to be strongly opposed to settler colonialism, the Left has a strange way of showing it. Here in the United States people have been invited to flood the border illegally, transported around the country for free, and are settling in territory that manifestly is not their homeland. They are demanding new laws to accommodate their religious preferences, which include the subjugation of women and the imposition of Sharia law. 


Not to mention the suppression of people who disagree with them. And if the police don't do it, the immigrants will do their best to eliminate the offenders. 

Sounds like settler colonialism to me. 

It's unclear to me exactly why our political and cultural elite are determined to import violent criminals into our countries. Sure, these people hate the hoi polloi, but you would think that they might restrict their hateful actions to censorship, restrictions on food and energy, degrowth, and all the other vile policies they brag about. 

Why add criminals into the mix? 

I couldn't say, really, but clearly, that is a major component of their war against the plebs. Whether it is Soros prosecutors here or inviting in the flood of Middle Eastern terrorists into Europe, our elites have opened up a new front in the war against their citizens. 


I suppose it could be that they believe their own bulls**t, but you might think that even for them, the reality of rapes, stabbings, hundreds of thousands of antisemites marching in the streets, and the wave of bombings in Sweden might make them reconsider. 

Nope. Instead they use the terrorist attack as an excuse to attack...Germans. 

Norm MacDonald got it right. 

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