Has Spain Opened Itself Up to 2 Million Palestinian Refugees?

AP Photo/Adel Hana

Well this could be interesting. 

Spain's politicians, in accusing Israel of committing genocide against Palestinians, may have opened itself up to accepting millions of Palestinians as legitimate refugees. 


Oops. Pretty sure they don't want a flood of actual genocidal maniacs flowing into their country, but it would be justice served

As horrible as this would be for the Spanish citizens, I suggest that the refugee settlements should be limited to regions where liberal politicians who are so certain of the goodwill of these innocents live. I suspect that a lot of ordinary Spanish citizens might think twice about opening their borders to the good citizens of Gaza. 

Oh, and how about a camp in the center of Madrid? I hear that The Moncloa Complex where the Prime Minister lives is nice. 

(The following quote comes from a machine translation of the article linked above). 

A mistake with incalculable consequences. This is how the diplomatic world has understood the fact that Pedro Sánchez's government has directly pointed to Israel as the author of a "genocide". An accusation that has come out of the mouths of both ministers of Sumar and the PSOE, and that this week the Minister of Foreign Affairs, José Manuel Albares, has tried to minimize, assuring that these are "personal opinions" that in no case are an official feeling. The Foreign Ministry has asked the ministers, internally, to stop using this term "genocide": it opens the door for Palestinians living in Gaza, and there are around two million in the entire Strip, to present themselves at a Spanish embassy or consulate to request asylum. And a ruling by the Supreme Court obliges the Foreign Ministry, in these cases, to put the applicant for protection on a plane bound for Spain.

"What is happening in Gaza is a real genocide." That was what Defense Minister Margarita Robles recently pointed out when asked about the crisis between Spain and Israel and the recognition of Palestine. These statements provoked a new diplomatic clash with Tel Aviv and stoked the positions of Sumar's partners, whose ministers had already expressed themselves in those – or worse – terms.

However, just two days later, the Foreign Ministry redirected the official version of what is happening in Gaza. Albares, after the Council of Ministers and on the same day that Spain officially recognized Palestine, said that Robles' words reflected a "personal opinion" that was not necessarily shared by the government.


It would serve Spain right. Seriously, I am sick and tired of these preening politicians who put their fingers in the wind and spew bulls**t. They are confident that they will face no consequences. Well, they should. 

Importing millions of refugees from the Middle East has been an absolute disaster for Europe. Ask the Swedes. Ask the Germans. Ask the British. Crime has skyrocketed. Rape is now common in some European cities. Sweden is the bombing capital of Europe.  

Take in 2 million more, Spain. Go for it. Enjoy. I am sure it will work out well for you. 

Europeans have been living in a dream world since the end of the Cold War and have been sucking off the tit of American taxpayers for longer than that. They primp and preen, look down their noses at people who actually have to defend themselves and beg to be bailed out when they screw up. 


Germany can't even keep their naval vessels armed. Their air force is a joke; they build great tanks and let them rot. And they were the authors of the massive wave of Islamist immigrants last decade. 

Now, Spain can do its part to ruin the continent. Reverse the Reconquista, except keeping the Jews out. Hand everything over to the Islamists. Why not? Spain can do what no Arab country wants to: bring in all those hardworking, well-educated and peace-loving Palestinians. It will surely work out well. 

The Iberian peninsula used to be Muslim. It can be again. 

Go for it. Or STFU. 

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Jazz Shaw 4:40 PM | October 17, 2024