EU Sanctions on Israel?

AP Photo/Vincent Thian

The European Union is considering sanctions on Israel.

This comes after a massive campaign to discredit Israel and promote Palestinian statehood, proving once again that the continent that can't protect itself from either a massive invasion of Islamists from the Middle East and couldn't defend itself from outside invasion has the moral courage of Vichy France's Philippe Pétain. 


Israel is in the fight of its life against Hamas, and rather than having the backbone to stand up to the murderous terrorists they turn their ire on Israel. Spain, Ireland and Norway just recognized a Palestinian state, with the proviso that they don't recognize any particular government to lead it. 

Prior to the moves by Spain, Ireland and Norway, seven members of the 27-nation European Union officially recognized a Palestinian state. Five of those are former east bloc countries that announced recognition in 1988, as did Cyprus, before joining the bloc. Sweden's recognition came in 2014.

The United States, Britain and other Western countries have backed the idea of an independent Palestinian state existing alongside Israel as a solution to the Middle East's most intractable conflict, but they insist Palestinian statehood should come as part of a negotiated settlement. There have been no substantive negotiations since 2009.

Though the EU countries and Norway aren't recognizing an existing state, just the possibility of one, the symbolism helps enhance the Palestinians' international standing and heaps more pressure on Israel to open negotiations on ending the war. Also, the move lends additional prominence to the Middle East issue ahead of June 6-9 elections to the European Parliament.

Negotiations with whom, exactly, do these countries want Israel to have? These jerks don't even have the courage to specify who Israel is to negotiate with or who runs this notional state--they just want the war to be over, and for Israel to perform a magic trick. 


It's pathetic, really. A Palestinian state, but with no government. What they really mean is that Israel should leave poor Hamas alone, let them keep whatever hostages they have, and get off the front pages. It is interfering with their elections, and if what is happening in Britain is any indication the Islamists that the gutless European leaders have been importing might make progress in taking over Europe. 

Europe is engaged in magical thinking, but that is nothing new. The continent is culturally bankrupt, at least West of the Polish border, and they just want to retire and die off slowly and in peace. They aren't reproducing, they are enabling foreigners to replace them. Why doesn't Israel do the same?

Sweden is now the rape capital of the EU, and it isn't Swedes who are doing the rapes. London is more than 60% foreign-born. Islamists are winning elections, and entire swathes of European cities look like Baghdad. 


These countries are worried about Russia invading them, which is absurd. Not because Russia is anything but a mafia state, but because Russia can barely handle Ukraine--the US, if we are willing, could wipe out Russia's army in a few weeks. Europe should be worried about being hollowed out from within, which is a clear and present danger. 

Over the weekend, a massive tragedy occurred outside Rafah--a Hamas leadership meeting was held in the middle of a refugee camp, and Israel bombed it killing the leaders. Massive secondary explosions occurred, killing refugees. 

Europe is blaming Israel. This is wholly and completely wrong, because the video clearly shows secondary explosions, indicating that Hamas was hiding weapons among the civilians. That is a war crime--committed by Hamas. But Europeans worry about Hamas harming them--after all, millions of Muslims from the region who are committed Hamas supporters live in Europe. They don't worry about Israel harming them, because Israel is a civilized country. 


So they attack Israel. 

We keep hearing about multiculturalism and diversity being our strengths. Which brings up the question: where are the Europeans or Jews in Gaza or the West Bank? Or Syria. Or in most Middle Eastern countries? 

The apartheid states are the Muslim states. Israel has Arab citizens who vote, get rich, become judges and get elected. 

The only Jews in Gaza are hostages. 

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