Condolences Pour in From World Leaders For Iranian President

AP Photo/Vahid Salemi

Iranian President Raisi must have been a really good guy, to judge from the reaction of the United Nations, the European Union, the World Health Organization, and countless world leaders to his death. 


The United Nations Security Council held a moment of silence to mourn his passing, which makes sense since his country chairs the organization's Human Rights Council. No better choice could have been imagined. 

One European Union official expressed his solidarity with Iran, expressing the grief felt by all world leaders at the untimely death of the "Butcher of Tehran." Perhaps the EU could hold a ceremonial stoning of a woman or execution of a rape victim in honor of his passing. Hanging a few gays and beating women who have revealed their hair might be in order, too. 

The World Health Organization's Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus' admiration for President Raisi makes sense, given that he was himself a member of a terrorist organization not that long ago. Government officials who promote genocidal policies have to stick together. 


Iran was famous for its commitment to the nonproliferation of nuclear weapons, ensuring that his death be properly mourned by the UN's nuclear nonproliferation agency. 

The European Council's grief cannot adequately be expressed, but they sure tried. 

Now, it's no surprise that a lot of third-world countries would extend their condolences to the few Iranians who genuinely mourn the passing of their great and holy leader. He made them look good in comparison. 

Kill the Boer! Let's have a sing-along!


Iran used to be a civilized country, and in my experience, Persians are generally wonderful people. That they have been living under the thumb of one of the most oppressive regimes in modern history should be considered a great tragedy. Unfortunately, many people, including our own President (who keeps shipping billions of dollars to that corrupt and irredeemable regime) they are considered rational partners in advancing world peace. 

Perhaps it is considered pro forma to pretend to mourn the death of a world leader who was an evil butcher of innocents, but if so it is an appalling tradition. Some people's deaths should be celebrated or at least ignored. Certainly the leaders of Western countries shouldn't be expressing #solidarity with one of the worst human beings on the planet. 

If there is any ambiguity about the evil nature of this man, who has been leading the jihad against the women of Iran, let me quote from a profile of him done in Tablet back in 2021:


Most notably, though, Raisi was one of four members of a death committee responsible for the 1988 execution of thousands of Iranian prisoners of conscience in the space of a few months. The ideologically motivated mass executions constituted both a crime against humanity and genocide—a cleansing of religious infidels—according to international human rights expert Geoffrey Robertson. It was a massacre, he says, comparable to those at Srebrenica and the Katyn Forest.

Raisi would typically spend only a few minutes with each prisoner—some young children—asking them questions to test their allegiance to radical Islam. The prisoners, mostly leftist revolutionaries who had helped bring the regime to power, typically refused to feign loyalty, even after prolonged and brutal torture, which in some cases was personally directed and overseen by Raisi. It is estimated that a minimum of a few thousand and as many as 30,000 were killed by hanging or firing squad. The massacre is still shrouded in secrecy, with the regime continuing to deny information to the families of those killed, including about the location of their loved ones’ remains.

What is known is the speed and efficiency of killing, with hangings using forklifts every half hour, and the dumping of dead bodies in piles on trucks, a method and pace that traumatized the executioners themselves. Virgins were systematically raped before their execution, to circumvent the Islamic prohibition on killing virgins and to prevent women and girls from reaching heaven. The executed were ordered to write their own names on their hands before they went to their death. The massacre is a trauma etched into the collective consciousness of all of the Iranian people, throughout the country and throughout the diaspora.

At the time, Grand Ayatollah Hossein Ali Montazeri, who had been designated to succeed the revolutionary leader Khomeini, condemned the mass executions in an act of dissent. In response, Khomeini rescinded Montazeri’s clerical rank, canceled his selection as the next supreme leader, and condemned him to house arrest. In Montazeri’s place, Raisi rose up.


He is so awful that the Grand Ayatollah, who had been picked to succeed Khomeini, thought he was too hard on dissenters. 

How bad do you have to be to earn that critique?

And how corrupt do you have to be to mourn the loss of such a monster?

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