The Ayatollah Smiles

Office of the Iranian Supreme Leader via AP

If Ayatollah Khamenei is your biggest fan, perhaps it is time to rethink your life choices. 


Something tells me that the generation that found Osama bin Laden's "Letter to America" profound doesn't see it that way. 

Those of us who were shocked by the explosion of antisemitism, anti-Americanism, and anti-rationalism on America's streets and campuses haven't been paying attention. 

Our education system, from Kindergarten to post-graduate education--even in medical schools--has been preaching that Western values and Western rationalism are fundamentally corrupt for at least a generation. The tantrums we are seeing on college campuses didn't arise out of nothing--they are the result of a decades-long project to destroy the West. 

The surge of hatred we are seeing isn't a reaction to Israel's war against Hamas. If you look back to October 7th and 8th, weeks before Israel began its military mission, campuses were already filled with professors and students embracing Hamas' attack on "settler colonialists." 


"This is what decolonization looks like."

Many of us mistook the movements we saw on campuses for "safe spaces" and speech restrictions as evidence of this generation being "snowflakes," but that was never correct. They were weaponizing empathy against us. Their goal has been, from the beginning, the destruction of our culture and the warping of our perceptions. It has been about silencing the opposition, not protecting their fragile egos. 

The term for this is "crybully," and you can see it in the fake screams from students and other protesters when they get arrested. They scream, "you're hurting me," in order to paralyze the establishment, who are afraid to look like bullies themselves. 

As students embrace the worst sort of terrorism--enough to please the Ayatollah himself--they proclaim themselves victims. As they scream at Jews and demand they submit to evil, they hold themselves up as moral exemplars--and college presidents bow to their demands. 


Obviously, Khamenei sees in these students a reflection of the ones who sparked the Iranian revolution, and indeed, they do remind one of the ones who occupied the American Embassy in Tehran so many years ago. They have yet to hold any Jews hostage for more than a few hours so far, but they embody the same spirit and, to a great extent, the same ideology. 

"Death to America, Death to Israel" are the animating principles of their ideology. They are happy to explain how they love Hamas, want to destroy Israel, and even "decolonize" America herself. At the very least they want to replace our culture with one more amenable to their ideology. 


The acknowledged leader, who led the students in chants at the Columbia protests and with whom the administration spent days negotiating is an advocate of murdering all "Zionists."

This happened at George Washington University, not Columbia as the tweet said, but it captures exactly why the Iranian government is so happy with what is going on in the West. 

This is not simply an American phenomenon--the entire West (with the exception of the countries recently liberated from communism) is falling to an anti-Liberal ideology that embraces totalitarianism, and often the most radical forms of Islamism. 

As Jews are getting arrested in London for being on the streets--yes, it has happened because they are "inciting" people merely by existing--they are being harassed by mobs of pro-Hamas protesters.


"Queers for Palestine" march in solidarity with Hamas, as Hamas supporters openly admit their goal to take over Western societies and impose Sharia law. You and I wonder how the alphabet mafia allies with these barbarians, not understanding that the Queers share many of the same goals as the Islamists: destruction of the West. 

Open borders advocates see this and know what it means, and they are fine with it. They probably expect that they can jettison the pesky Islamists once these ground troops of the revolution are no longer necessary, just as the Jacobins thought they could jettison the Sans Culottes during the French Revolution. 

Communist revolutions always end badly, of course, just as almost all revolutions do. But that doesn't ever serve as a warning to revolutionaries because their goal is not to create utopias so much as to express their rage. 


What makes this particular revolutionary movement different is that the first phase of it took place without many people noticing. The takeover of our Elite institutions was a generational movement stretching back to the 60s. "The Long March Through the Institutions" it was called. 

What we are seeing is the middle phase. The George Floyd riots and now the takeover of our streets and campuses. The Establishment embraced the first and was baffled by the second. They expected that they would be exempt from the rage, and they were wrong. 

Now we have people marching in our universities calling for a "final solution" to the Jewish question, and yet the Washington Post's response is to complain that Republicans are "seizing" on this to harm Biden. 

They are literally choosing Hamas' (and Khameinei's) side because they hate Republicans more than terrorists. 

Western civilization is in crisis, and it is entirely the fault of our Elite. They have chosen this path. They have created the conditions. They have educated our youth to believe that our civilization is evil. And now they are reaping the harvest of the seeds they planted. 


Unfortunately, we are being forced to eat that harvest along with them. 

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