I was browsing Bari Weiss' Free Press and ran across this article that made me wince.
I was not shocked. Not even a bit surprised. But I was hit with a sense of great sadness. Once again, the Left is performing child sacrifices to the gods of critical theory.
Today, in @TheFP, I write about my decision to resign from the NYS Advisory Committee of the @USCCRgov: “[T]he committee’s pathological obsession with racial disparity will endanger the lives of our most vulnerable children, especially black children.”https://t.co/6dEEArTRC2
— Rafael A. Mangual (@Rafa_Mangual) April 19, 2024
The article was written by Rafael Mangual, who resigned from the New York State Advisory Committee of the US Council on Civil Rights. He resigned because he could not join his colleagues in advocating for the sacrifice of children in the name of equity.
DEI means kids must DIE in this case.
Today, I resigned from a civil rights committee seeking to reform how child abuse and neglect is investigated in New York State. I resigned because I believe the committee’s pathological obsession with racial disparity will endanger the lives of our most vulnerable children, especially black children.
I was appointed to the New York State Advisory Committee (NYSAC) to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights in 2020. Two years later, I grew concerned when my fellow members decided to investigate what they called the disproportionate number of black families who enter the child welfare system. The result is a report that, among other things, seeks to make it harder for a child in long-term foster care to be adopted. I refuse to put my name to this report.
The committee also wants to make it easier for felons to become foster parents. They want to eliminate legal obligations for certain professionals, like pediatricians and schoolteachers, to report suspected child abuse and neglect. And they want to eliminate people’s ability to report such concerns anonymously.
They also want to make it so that drug use by parents, including pregnant mothers, won’t prompt a child welfare intervention. There is no mention in the report about what harm drug use might do to a baby’s development, or how being raised by a drug-addicted parent will affect a child’s future. NYSAC believes racial equity requires this radical policy shift.
Two weeks ago, I wrote about the trend of hospitals no longer reporting infants born with drugs in their system because doing so disproportionately impacts minorities.
The hospitals prefer leaving infants in the hands of mothers who are so addicted to drugs that they are taking them the day of their infant's birth. It would be racist not to sacrifice the child or something.
Now, New York State is working assiduously to ensure that kids are left in dangerous homes--ones in which statistics show they are seven times more likely to be killed by their parents--because not doing so is somehow racist.
In 2022, The New York Times reported that in New York City, “Black families are seven times as likely as white families to be accused of child maltreatment.” But, according to that same NYC report, black children who live with parents charged with abuse are about seven times more likely to be killed than kids in white and Asian households. NYSAC has fixated on the first set of numbers, while showing a shocking lack of concern about the second.
Think about those two statistics: what they tell us is not that Blacks are being discriminated against in child welfare; it's that the Black family is in crisis and kids are dying because of it.
Kids in these families are seven times more likely to die. Seven times. There needs to be much more intervention, not less. Both sets of kids have parents being investigated for abuse, but the Black kids are seven times more likely to die.
That is shocking, and the New York State Advisory Committee wants to impede investigating complaints of child abuse in Black families.
New York’s newspapers have spilled a lot of ink describing the horrifying cases of innocent black children abused and even beaten to death because the child welfare system didn’t move swiftly enough. Now, my former NYSAC colleagues are doing their best to stop this imperfect system from moving at all. I hope my resignation will raise the alarm about the consequences of their misguided thinking.
I think the chances that Leftists will rethink their position or that journalists will take any angle other than the DEI-influenced one are minuscule.
Sure, after countless kids die, they might reverse course. The pendulum swings.
But it will take many child sacrifices before that happens.
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