Former Biden Supporter on Why She Enthusiastically Supports Trump

AP Photo/Seth Wenig

Sasha Stone, a prominent blogger and former Trump-hating Democrat, has essentially declared independence from her former political party. 

Why? Their tyrannical pursuit of Trump in the courts and through slander has convinced her to support the former president, despite his many flaws, enthusiastically. Saving democracy from the Democrats means supporting Donald Trump


Six years ago, I stood a few feet away from Joe Biden at a fundraiser and was certain he was the only person who could save this country from Donald Trump in 2020.

However, by the end of the election, I would leave the Democratic Party for good. I saw them as corrupt, too powerful, and dangerous to the very democracy they now claim they want to protect.

Now, I wake up every morning in a panic that our last best hope of ending the monopoly of power on the Left rests on the imperfect shoulders of Donald Trump.

So I guess that finally makes me a Trump supporter.

It has been eight years since the Democrats decided that the only campaign issue that mattered was defeating Donald Trump. They barely speak about any other issue aside from abortion. It's all Russia, Russia, Russia, and January 6th, with abortion as the cherry on top of the s**t sundae they are serving us. 

Admittedly, it did seem to work in 2020, although I suspect that the real reason Trump lost had more to do with his flailing during the pandemic and shutting down the economy than any existential fear the electorate felt of The Donald. It may be the case that in certain MSNBC-viewing quarters of the country, there is a genuine fear that Donald Trump is a dictator-in-waiting, but most people have seen through that con for a long while. 


It's the lawfare that got Sasha to cross the Rubicon, and if you believe the polls she is not alone in seeing through the corrupt misuse of our legal system. When New York City and Washington D.C. just happen to be the places hammering Trump in the courts it's pretty clear that he isn't being tried by a jury of his peers. 

I spent a lot of time saying, “I’m not a Trump supporter, but…” I said it so much I began to feel like a coward for saying it. Trump is no better or worse than any politician in America. But we’ve never lived through an entire oligopoly scaring people against a former and half the country.

Because it was never just about Trump, it was always about the people who voted for Trump and chose him to represent them in government. Didn’t they matter at all? No, because they were demonized as racists and thrown away like human garbage.

So now I will stand in full support of Trump because I know that this is not a time to hedge or back down. It is a time to stand up to people who have assumed power that does not belong to them. Their election meddling has become the real threat to our democracy.

From the raid on Mar-a-Lago to the indictments and now to the show trials, they’ve left me with no other option than to stand behind the one guy they haven’t been able to destroy.

This can’t be America, I kept telling myself. They can’t distort the Justice System. They can’t hold trials we know aren’t fair, with biased juries and partisan judges, not to mention a fully compliant propaganda press.


The Establishment is panicking. You can see it everywhere. More importantly, the American public is waking up to the fact that they are being conned and abused. 

Not everyone, surely, but if you look at the polls, there has been a huge shift toward Trump simultaneously with the climax of the lawfare. 

Everybody knows that this is a legal lynch mob, and while lynch mobs always have a crowd cheering them, it is almost never the majority. It is the worst among us, not the best, who cheer on the lynching. 

All the fine rhetoric about "saving democracy" is so obviously a self-serving lie that vast numbers of Americans--in the millions--expect Trump to be convicted and are willing to crawl over broken glass to vote for him in November. They see, as Trump proudly reminds us, that the effort to "get" Trump is really an effort to bring the electorate into line. 

This election will likely not be decided by the electorate but, as Joseph Stalin said, by the people who count the votes. 

Hugh Hewitt likes to joke that the way Republicans have to view elections is simple: you must win by exceeding the margin of cheating. 

Remember, the same people who assure you that our elections are secure recently told us that the jab was safe and effective, that the virus had an over 3% fatality rate, and that Trump was a Russian spy. 


They are liars, in other words. 

NPR is facing a huge scandal because their new CEO is, to put it unkindly, a fascist. She explained to a TED Talk audience that truth is nice and all, but hardly the most important thing. If lying to people gets them united behind you, by all means lie through your teeth. 

Is America finally waking up to the reality that we have been had?

Sort of. Many people have indeed awakened. Perhaps enough to turn the tide. But sadly a vast fraction of our population likes the lies and liars because it gives them power, prestige, and the ability to harm those they dislike. It is always thus. 

In the coming months, you should trust nothing you are told, not because it is all lies, but because there is no distinction between lies and the truth when it comes to our elites. 

Truth is a "distraction." That is what they believe. 

At the end of every speech, Trump promises his supporters the same message:

Together, We will make America strong again. We will make America wealthy again. We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And yes, together, we will make America great again.

Maybe he’s lying like all politicians do. I’m not expecting much. But I know ending the madness of the Left matters to me most of all.

So, for once, I’m putting my vote to good use.


However disgusted you are by the worst aspects of Trump's personality, he is the best hope we have. 

P.S. Ed wrote a great piece on the fascistic tendencies of Katherine Maher. I highly encourage you to read it. 

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