Justice Department Sues Tennessee, Defending HIV Infected Prostitutes

AP Photo/Elaine Thompson

Bidenland is insane. 

In what possible world would you expect the federal government to be suing a state for prosecuting prostitutes for knowingly infecting their clients with HIV?


No rational one that is for sure. But in today's America, run by an administration that worships sexual deviancy, that is what is happening. 

The issue is this: Tennessee has a law on the books defining "Aggravated Prostitution," which is defined as knowingly putting at risk customers of said prostitutes of contracting HIV. 

This does not seem unreasonable to me. If somebody is intentionally engaging in conduct, especially illegal conduct, that put a person at risk of a horrible fate, they should be held responsible. 

The Justice Department doesn't see it that way. They see this as a violation of the Americans With Disabilities Act

The U.S. Department of Justice has sued the State of Tennessee and the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation over the state’s enforcement of its aggravated prostitution law.

The suit, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Tennessee Thursday, comes over two months after the DOJ said the law is discriminatory against people living with HIV and that it violates the Americans with Disabilities Act.

“The enforcement of state criminal laws that treat people differently based on HIV status alone and that are not based on actual risks of harm, discriminate against people living with HIV,” said Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division in a press release. “People living with HIV should not be subjected to a different system of justice based on outdated science and misguided assumptions. This lawsuit reflects the Justice Department’s commitment to ensuring that people living with HIV are not targeted because of their disability.”


Good to know that the federal government is focused on the important thing. 

Of course, there is more to this than appears. This lawsuit follows one that was filed over the same issue by...guess who? Alphabet groups:

It also follows a federal lawsuit filed by multiple organizations — including the American Civil Liberties Union, the Transgender Law Center and the ACLU of Tennessee — on behalf of four “Jane Doe” plaintiffs and OUTMemphis, a local nonprofit that serves the LGBTQ community.

Someone convicted of aggravated prostitution, a Class C felony, in Tennessee faces between three and 15 years in prison and a fine of up to $10,000. The DOJ said a person convicted of a misdemeanor for the same conduct would be sentenced to six months or less in prison and given a $500 fine.

So, let's get this straight: the Justice Department is backing up a lawsuit by gay and transgender prostitutes with HIV to ensure that they can spread a deadly disease without additional consequences. 

The elements of this suit are especially bizarre. For instance, they assert that half of all people with HIV are "virally suppressed," meaning they cannot spread the disease. First of all, a 50-50 chance of spreading AIDS is not good odds, and as importantly, we have no idea about whether that statistic applies to transgender prostitutes, who may (obviously) not be as likely to be virally suppressed. 


It strikes me as odd that a law like this doesn't apply to anybody who knowingly spreads a disease. That is such a clear harm to others it shouldn't even matter if the behavior is attached to another crime or not. 

It is a mystery to me why the Justice Department is spending effort on this issue. 

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