Satan Walks Among Us

The Satanic Temple via AP, File

I am a Catholic convert, but I have never really thought of Satan as a real being. I think of him as evil personified--the human desire to be deceived into excusing our darkest impulses, to give in to our appetites, and to love ourselves above God. 


Not having grown up in a religion, Heaven and Hell, God and the Devil have been abstractions to me. I have grown to embrace the reality of God, but I admit that my relationship with Him is not personal in the way it is for many people. 

But if I don't viscerally feel the presence of Satan as a being, I have grown to understand that there are Satanic forces in the world that are very real and that separation from God leads to damnation. 

I see Satanic forces walking among us, and it scares me. 

If you told me a few years back that I would be writing about Satanic forces, I would have chuckled and scoffed. I am a modern man in the modern world, and we don't speak in those terms. 

But look at that video and tell me that evil forces are not at work in the world. Prepubscent girls are being paraded around--literally in this case--in front of adults dressed in provocative lingerie bearing Queer-affirming flags. Children are being pushed as sex objects--indisputably so, as the flags they bear are all about sexual preferences and sexual liberation--and they are as young as 4 or 5 years old. 

This is happening at a public festival, and nobody seems shocked. In an earlier age, the organizers would have been tarred and feathered, or worse. As it should be.


Children are now performing sexually provocative dances at bars, mainstream TV talk shows are celebrating children performing in drag, and sexual liberation of all forms is being promoted as the core of human identity. 

Teachers are celebrating feeling "sexy" at school while dressing provocatively, and gender ideology and genderqueer performances are being pushed to ever younger children. None of this is normal, healthy, or sustainable. 

It is Sodom and Gomorrah. 

I have never had a problem with the idea of drag shows for adults; they are just another form of burlesque. They are not my cup of tea, but they present no danger to the community, and I am told they can be fun. And, even were they not, it is not my business to impose my own tastes on others, as long as they are not hurting anybody. 

Drag for adults? Whatever. I may scowl when I pass a strip club these days but I don't freak out. People are sinners. I am a sinner. Let he who is without sin...


But today's sexualization of children isn't innocent. Children are being dragged into a depraved world in which there are no boundaries, there is no morality aside from pleasuring yourself, and they are being groomed into an ideology that is so dangerous that they are destroying their lives before it begins. 

We are not fighting about how tolerant society should be. I am all for tolerance of adults choosing different lifestyles. But that argument is a distraction. Our society has become obsessed with dragging children into a world where up is down and black is white. 

There is a reason that Pride is a sin; it is the opposite of humility. It is the incubator of narcissism, which expects the world to bow down to oneself. It is, in other words, the claim that one is a god. 

We keep being told that a new era of joy is being brought to the world as people embrace their true selves, but what I see is prideful people trying to remake the world in their own images and rejecting both God and Nature. 


And in doing so they are embracing true evil and celebrating it and putting up statues to Satan. They are advertising their wares using pedophilic images, as Balenciaga did. It is about luring people into evil itself, and one of those evils is clearly the embrace of pedophilia. It is indisputable, because it is out in the open.

Just as those girls dancing in lingerie are prancing down a street as adults cheer them on. That isn't childhood innocence. It is turning children into objects of lust. 

And people cheer. 

Remember when people told us that abortion is a tragedy but that it must be made available to address tragic situations? It was a complicated moral issue, but it must be made "safe, legal, and rare?"

Now, drag shows are celebrating abortions, and states across America are legalizing it until birth. 



I am no theologian, and I still can't get my mind around the idea of a Fallen Angel named Satan. 

But I recognize Satanic when I see it, and in that sense, Satan walks among us. This is a guy who is celebrated in the media--appearing on TV, praised in the New York Times, and pushed as a role model for children. He regularly appeals to children to have private discussions with him, and travels the country to speak to audiences. 

The claim that this is innocent is absurd. Children are not supposed to perform provocative dances at gay bars for money, and if you think they should you need to see someone to get your mind on straight. It is not for the children that we allow this; it is for the sexual pleasure of adults. 

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | March 14, 2025