Denver Slashing All Its City Budgets to Fund Migrants

AP Photo/Gregory Bull

When we think of the illegal immigration crisis, most of our attention is directed at either the border or the big northern cities that have been whining incessantly that their "sanctuary cities" shouldn't have to put their money where their mouth is. 


But the reality is even worse than we tend to think. New York and Chicago are dealing with tens of thousands of migrants who have begun to squat in their cities, using up resources like drunks quaff vodka. But of course, America as a whole has imported millions of illegal aliens under Joe Biden, and cities and towns across the nation are bending under the burden as well. They just don't get the attention that major media markets do. 

One such city is Denver, Colorado, where the Mayor is signaling that $180,000,000 will have to be cut out of city services in order to shift resources to migrants. 

That's on top of shifts that have already been taking place, moving resources that had been dedicated to providing services to citizens that are now used to care for migrants. 

Everything is on the table, including the 2024 elections, which is sure to increase confidence for everybody. 


DENVER — No part of the City of Denver will be spared from proposed budget cuts to help pay for the migrant crisis. Every office, from the police department to the animal shelter, is being asked to cut money. It could even impact the funding our elections department gets this year.

In a critical 2024 election year, the Denver Clerk and Recorder’s Office says Mayor Mike Johnston has asked to cut nearly a million dollars from the department that oversees elections. The money, they say, is needed to help pay for the migrant crisis.

Down the street at the police department, Denver Police Department (DPD) says they’re working on finding places to cut their budget. So is the Department of Public Safety, and the animal shelter, and the health department. Every agency in Denver has been told to find ways to cut its budget for the same reason.

"We have asked departments to go out and take a look at how they would make budget reductions," Johnston said at a press conference Friday. 

Last Friday, Johnston announced publicly the first two cuts. $5 million from the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) and Denver Parks and Recreation. Now, we know a little more about what he was alluding to when he said more cuts are coming.  

Every citizen loves to hear that the DMV will have longer waits, right? And cuts to the police and prosecutors will be no big either, especially given the fact that an influx of migrants and an increase in crime never go together. 

The migrant crisis is breaking cities; increasing costs, decreasing vital budgets, and ruining the quality of life for everybody. 


We can argue about what level of immigration helps the country and increases economic activity. Still, it is indisputable that the current level is unsustainable and already destroying our cities. 

Not to mention that the result of our debate on the appropriate level of immigration is supposed to take place in Congress, enshrined into law, and the laws should be enforced. Immigration levels shouldn't be determined by one man sitting in the Oval Office. 

That's not how you "preserve democracy." It is the opposite. 

The influx of illegal immigrants exceeds the level of legal immigration that took place in the late 19th century, and the US already has a larger percentage of foreign-born residents than at any time in history.

The last great wave of immigration occurred when the country was still half empty, and there were no welfare benefits or expensive healthcare systems to go bankrupt. 

Massive immigration and welfare states are incompatible, at least when illegal immigrants are eligible for benefits. Moving to America to get a better life is perfectly understandable, but NOT moving to America when you can get free housing, large subsidies for merely existing, and better healthcare than can be found at home--all for free and with no work requirements--is frankly stupid. 

Especially if you can commit crimes and get no punishment. 

Of course, you will move to America to get a deal like that. Who wouldn't?

Hence the new gold rush--move to America, and the streets will be paved with welfare benefits. 


There is only one reason that Biden is pushing this policy, and it isn't compassion. He is making a bet that illegal immigrants will flood to the polls--illegally, but with no legal checks to their voting as requesting ID to either register to vote or to enter the voting booth is illegal--in order to secure a permanent Democrat majority. 

Many illegals are open about their intent to do so. 

The big question is whether Biden loses more votes than he gains with this strategy. Until recently the answer was "No." 

Now? Tough call. People are pissed. 

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