Irony Alert: Race-Baiter Sunny Hostin Is Descended From Slavers

It's stupid to hold people responsible for what their ancestors did or to compensate people for wrongs done centuries ago to someone else. 

On the other hand, it's mandatory to call powerful people out when it turns out that they are raging hypocrites who want to force others to play by rules that they are unwilling to obey themselves. 


And it's delicious when you can make fun of the hypocrite because it turns out that their ancestors were even more evil than most others'. 

Sunny Hostin is the hypocrite in this case and about as juicy a target for accusations of hypocrisy as you can find. She is a disgusting race-baiter who constantly rages about White Supremacy, the history of slavery, the need for reparations, and White privilege. 

She is also the descendant of slavers. Not just slaveholders but people who moved halfway around the world to keep engaging in the slave trade after it was banned in their native land. They were Spaniards who moved to Puerto Rico to keep benefiting from slavery. 

Do I blame Sunny Hostin for what her ancestors did? Of course not. That would be absurd. 

On the other hand, I very much blame Sunny Hostin for trying to impose collective guilt on White people living today for the sins of slavery. 

Most people don't think about it, but very few Americans ever held slaves despite slavery being big business in the Americas for centuries. At the time of the Civil War, 1.4% of Americans held slaves, and only 5% of people in slaveholding states did. Add in family members of those slaveholders, and perhaps 20% of White southerners benefited from slavery. 


Extrapolate those numbers out, add in the explosion in the White population from immigration, and a tiny fraction of Americans today have anything to do with slavery, even in their ancestry. 

Sunny Hostin does, though. Yet she feels blameless and even wants reparations from people whose ancestors never benefited from slavery.

Of course she does. 

The absurdity of our discourse on racial issues in America is impossible to overstate. Privileged people like Sunny Hostin and Ibram X. Kendi make millions of dollars off the absurd claim that they are oppressed. 

Would that I was so oppressed. Or you. Most White Americans would give an arm to have the kind of money and power they have. 

The race-baiters have seized the moral high ground by conflating opposition to reparations or affirmative action with support for past injustices. It's a good rhetorical trick but profoundly dishonest. Practically speaking everybody on earth is descended from people who were either oppressors or oppressed--likely both. 

For instance, 8% of Asian men and an unknown percentage of Asian women are descended from Genghis Khan and his hordes. Khan left millions of corpses in his wake--literally millions died during his conquests, making him likely the most prolific mass murderer in history--and yet nobody expects those descendants to compensate the families of his victims. 


For that matter, Khan himself was victimized:

However, the horde of Genghis Khan treated the spoils of war differently. Before he was born, Genghis Khan's mother was abducted by a rival tribe, and was forced to marry a man named Yesugei (Yee-Sue-Gay). This led to his birth. Before he became Genghis Khan, Temujin also saw his wife (Borte) captured and raped. She became pregnant as a result. Temujin adopted the child of this rape as his own.

Perhaps, then, his descendants should be compensated? 

Obviously not. But perhaps you think that was too long ago to worry about. Then, perhaps, we should consider reparations between France, England, Scotland, and Ireland. There are lots of injustices done by every group to every other, and we could spend centuries debating who gets what from whom. 

Or start assigning blame to the African tribes who captured the slaves for the slave trade--after all, most of the slaves imported from Africa were sold to Europeans by other Africans.

And so it could go on forever...

It is absurd. The cosmic accounts will never be balanced. 

Sunner Hostin is right that this is a "bummer," but then again, so is much of life. 

The world is fallen, and only God can bring justice, and it won't happen here on Earth. We can do our best to bring a measure of justice in the most obvious of cases, but even there, we fall short. Executing a murderer doesn't bring the victim back to life, and jailing a rapist does nothing to repair the damage done to his victim. 


We do what we can, but it will never make things right. 

Unfortunately, for the ladies of The View and their morally shallow followers, simple things like facts and history are too complicated for them to grasp.

That, too, is a bummer. 

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Ed Morrissey 10:40 PM | October 03, 2024