A bad look for CAIR

AP Photo/Alex Brandon

First, let me state the obvious: there is nothing inherently wrong about any ethnic group having one or multiple organizations represent their interests, and that is as true for Arabs as it is for anybody else.


And it is as true for Arabs as it is for Russians or other groups who might be associated with hateful acts that it makes sense to stand up and defend its constituents against unfair attacks due to collective blaming.

Now, with that out of the way, the Council on Arab-Islamic Relations is doing nothing to help its cause. The group, which has ties to Hamas and other extremist groups in the Middle East, is refusing to acknowledge that Hamas and other Muslim extremist groups are terrorists and that they committed heinous acts. They call for peace but put all the blame for the violence on Israel, claiming that the “root cause” of the conflict is Israel’s occupation of Palestinian lands.

This is absurd on its face. The root cause of the current conflict and all the suffering in Israel and Gaza is pretty obvious: vicious terrorists attacked Israeli civilians and committed hideous atrocities. Atrocities that CAIR itself, in the abstract, claims no Palestinian could possibly support.


Yeah, right. We saw the demonstrations of support. We know that Hamas is the elected government of the Gaza Strip, and we know that rape and mutilation were a strategy, not the random acts of individual “soldiers.” It was planned.

What crap.

In the current fight, there is no “both sides” to defend or attack. This is a battle between good and evil. Not that Israelis are always good and right, or that all Muslims are evil, but anybody who justifies Hamas’ attacks is choosing to be on the side of the Devil.

As for the civilian casualties in Gaza? They are awful, and they are the responsibility of Hamas. Not just because Hamas started the war, but more specifically: Hamas has chosen to put civilians in harm’s way as a strategy to shift anger toward Israel. It has always done so. It has specifically instructed civilians, who voted for Hamas or Fatah–another terrorist organization–by over 90% of the vote, to stay in the line of fire, and has indoctrinated even its children to prepare for martyrdom.


Israel didn’t do that. Hamas did. Israel has warned civilians about the bombings, and Hamas has kept them in the line of fire, just as it uses schools and hospitals as weapons storage depots and as bunkers from which to fight. That makes them not only legal targets but necessary to hit.

This is Hamas’ doing.

That CAIR can’t muster the slightest outrage against this abuse of either Israeli or Palestinian civilians by Hamas is outrageous, and they deserve as much scorn heaped upon them as possible. That news outlets are providing uncritical platforms to spread their propaganda is just as shameful. Where are the difficult questions pinning down these representatives on Hamas’ evil acts?

I don’t believe in collective guilt. There are Muslims who won’t defend the violence; who won’t go immediately to “bothsidesism” when confronted by evil. They shouldn’t be tarred with the same brush as those who defend the evil.

But too many do, and they should be called out.

I won’t pretend that I have always approved of Israeli policy, just as I often disapprove of American policies.


But Israel gets far too much of the blame here; Israel is harsh because the alternative is being dead. Even other Arab countries are sick and tired of the Palestinian insistence that Israel be eradicated. It shouldn’t happen, and never will.

Israel has offered a two-state solution many times; in fact, Gaza and the West Bank are self-governed, and Israel would dearly love to be rid of all responsibility for the regions. It is the choice of the Palestinians to reject peace.

So no, CAIR, I don’t see any moral equivalence here. Just as I would have deplored the civilian casualties in Germany or Japan in World War II, I would also recognize the need for demanding unconditional surrender from the regimes that represent them. Hamas needs to be wiped out, just as surely as the Nazis. It is in Hamas’ power to stop the pain right now, not Israel’s.

Israel must do what it takes to ensure that happens.

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