After the death of George Floyd and during the subsequent riots corporate America went into a frenzy, putting out statements in support of BLM and related causes. Hundreds of millions of dollars were donated to the organization and its affiliates, and billions of dollars were dedicated to supporting its goals within corporations.
It was a collective outpouring of moral outrage and an alliance with what amounts to a domestic terrorism group. A group that now has expressed support through many of its affiliates for Hamas and the “decolonization” effort in Israel.
You can read the whole statement here.
None of this should be a surprise. BLM and Antifa are communist organizations that have repeatedly expressed their support for the destruction of Western society, which they consider fundamentally racist and colonialist. They actually mean what they say when they call for the destruction of the “system” they despise.
All the words are violence people from fancy universities, corporate DEI departments, and leftie activists groups seem to now think real barbarous violence isn't violence. Rather it is euphemized as "de-colonization."
They think misgendering should be a crime but raping and…
— Jennifer Sey (@JenniferSey) October 10, 2023
All those politicians, corporate leaders, and foundations who support and donated to BLM have remained remarkably silent, and few people on the Left have stood up to denounce the professors and activist groups both on and off campus who have celebrated the vile terrorist attacks on Israel and her citizens.
The death of a drug-addled meth and fentanyl addict who resisted arrest moved these corporations to throw money and violent communists, but the embrace of rape, beheading of children, and mass slaughter of innocents is not bad enough to denounce.
Corporate America–transnational corporations as well–can’t muster the courage to denounce the communist domestic terrorists they supported with statements and money. Their clients applaud indiscriminate and barbaric violence–and they say nothing.
This is “Decolonize This Place” leader Amin Husain discussing how BDS gave his org an opening to partner with black radical groups that also hate the US government.
He goes on to explain that he must fight for justice in all the ways possible, including Jihad.
— Jason Curtis Anderson (@JCAndersonNYC) October 9, 2023
I don’t expect corporations to take a stand against states engaged in war. Frankly, I think they should try to stay out of such matters as much as possible. I don’t even expect them to denounce any terroristic acts unless the acts impact them directly. Businesses shouldn’t be required to make a statement about every act and injustice in the world. Frankly, I wish they wouldn’t.
But when these corporations actually donated to the allies of terrorists, the least they could do is vocally denounce the people they have supported. These corporations are implicated in this support, and they should denounce it. After all, they helped pay for it.
So why won’t they do it?
The donations to BLM and its allies were largely a payoff to domestic terrorists who were rampaging America’s cities, and they gutlessly threw millions in protection money at the terrorists. They don’t want to poke the bear, so they stay silent. They keep their rotten DEI policies in place. They will continue to funnel money to groups whose goal is to destroy our civilization.
Here are some of the current Harvard courses on "decolonization," promoting theories of "anticolonial struggle" and "how BIPOC communities forged [intersectional] solidarities to rebel against global white supremacy."
In practice, decolonization means Gaza-style violence.
— Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) October 9, 2023
Every group that celebrates the “decolonization” efforts in Israel is supporting mass murder, gang rapes, the beheading of children, and the use of human shields. And unless the corporations that have donated to these groups or given them aid and comfort, they are implicated in their support.
Politicians, corporations, professors, and universities who have sided with BLM and the “decolonizers” are making an affirmative choice to back Hamas and its actions.
Am I wrong?
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