Liars. Nothing but liars

AP Photo/Ron Harris

Merrick Garland commits actual perjury before Congress on a regular basis.

The MSM, though, denies this fact because anytime a Republican questions him and exposes his lies they are merely spreading “debunked” misinformation.


There really are no words. As easily as Garland lies to Congress, the MSM outclasses him as shameless liars.

Yesterday I wrote about how Merrick Garland disgusts me. It is difficult to find the words to describe the scale of his betrayal of the Constitution of the United States. Not only is he using the law enforcement tools of the government in order to suppress political dissent–enough so that he should have been impeached long ago–he compounds his offenses by perjuring himself before Congress.

The Justice Department, of course, is the agency assigned to criminally punish this offense, so good luck with seeing a prosecution.

But Biden, Garland, Mayorkas, and the criminal gang running our government are able to easily get away with all this for a simple reason: the media not only refuses to cover any of this, they actively lie on behalf of the Democrats.

The United States Attorney in Delaware tried to sneak past a judge what amounted to a plenary pardon of Hunter Biden, and only the questioning of a judge stopped this travesty of justice. Multiple whistleblowers have detailed how the investigation into Biden was stymied, how evidence has been hidden, how the statute of limitations was allowed to run out on serious crimes, and how Garland himself has lied before Congress.


Nicole Wallace seriously claims that Hunter Biden is being persecuted.

Republicans have the receipts on the many malefactions of the Justice Department, but the MSM keeps calling every bit of evidence debunked. There isn’t even a bit of curiosity on the part of the media to investigate any of the charges or evidence. They simply dismiss it. They aren’t trying to actually debunk anything because they haven’t even given the evidence a moment’s thought. They simply use Biden Administration claims as talking points and leave it at that.

The point of this is not to convince anybody–it would be nearly impossible to do so were people given ready access to the evidence.

Rather, it is to give permission to the Democrats and their allies to ignore the evidence and to just enough Americans to dismiss the whole thing as a political sideshow.

During the Trump administration every allegation leveled at Trump, no matter how absurd, was extensively covered and dissected. It was considered hard evidence. The pee tape; secret foreign meetings that never took place. Russian access to a server that turned out to be spewing out ads, not coordinating campaign strategy.

Pulitzer Prizes were dispensed for spreading what we now know were lies cooked up by the DNC and the Clinton campaign. Because of the media blitz many Americans simply assume the allegations are true. Polling confirms this. Many commentators blithely repeat “facts” that are known to be false.


Now the media is on a campaign to censor anybody who disagrees with their narrative. They agitate for laws to silence the speech of anybody who dissents from their BS.

I scoffed at Trump when he called the media the enemy of the people. He was right and I was wrong. I just thought they were biased. Now I understand that they are self-conscious liars. Their job, as they see it, is manipulating the people.

In a few short years, the most sophisticated and pervasive propaganda machine in history has been created. It exists not to inform people but to misinform them.

Dave Portnoy, of Barstool Sports (about which I know practically nothing), demonstrated precisely how dishonest reporters routinely are.

He got wind of a hit piece that was being done by the Washington Post. He called the reporter to get to the bottom of it. He had the receipts and challenged the reporter.

She lied. She flat-out lied. And when called on it she changed her story on a dime. She went from “I never did that” to “I did that only once” in the space of seconds.

These are the people who claim to be the tribunes of the truth. They are low-down dirty liars who exist to do nothing but cover for other low-down dirty liars. If the MSM evaporated tomorrow the US would be better off on balance.


We need the media. It’s not like if Republicans took over every level of government virtue would break out. No matter who is in charge of the mechanisms of government corruption will flourish. We need reporters, dedicated to telling the truth as they see it, to challenge everybody who has any power. We the people need to be informed as best as possible.

Instead, we have liars. Disgusting liars. Any time a reporter says “debunked” you should assume they are lying, not because they always are, but because whatever they say is motivated by nothing but their own political interests.

I am disgusted with the lot of them. I am disgusted by our political class, our cultural elite, our business leaders, and the whole lot of them. I haven’t a clue who to trust. I can’t even trust anything I read in a scientific paper.

The best we can do is read as many different points of view and try to paste together as complete a picture as we can.

But who knows if that will even be possible in a few years? As I wrote earlier today, massive corporations who control our lives can deny us even basic access to the internet on a whim. Governments intimidate social media companies to silence anybody they don’t like. Surveillance cameras follow us everywhere.

The Founding Fathers understood that the greatest protection for liberty was the competition for power among competing factions within government and society. Each faction has an interest in checking the power of others out of self-preservation. That is why they divided government and created the First Amendment–the battle for power ironically created conditions for limiting it.


Now we have a unified blob. The media and the Establishments of both parties collude with corporations to keep the plebs in line.

Can anything be done about it? I sincerely don’t know.

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