HRC and Rachel Maddow decry questioning elections

(MSNBC via AP)

I couldn’t agree more with Rachel Maddow and Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Anybody who questions the results of an election is undermining American democracy and should be permanently shunned from polite society. Perhaps even prosecuted for wounding our democracy.


That is why I fully support de-platforming Al Gore and every Democrat who claimed that George W. Bush was “selected not elected,” Hillary Clinton, Rachel Maddow, and every member of the MSM and the Democrats, the intelligence community, the FBI and others who spent years denying the legitimacy of the Trump 2016 election, and pretty much every liberal who has spent the past 20+ years denying the legitimacy of Republican electoral victories in elections around the country.

Throw in the DNC, Marc Elias, and countless others who spread baseless conspiracy theories about election interference. Once we do that for all elections prior to the 2020 presidential election, I think we can have a deep and serious conversation about the damage done by Donald Trump and his “co-conspirators.”

Once the liberals establish and enforce that norm among themselves I will even join them in turning Donald Trump into an outcast.

Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Hakeem Jeffries, Chuck Schumer, and most Congressional Democrats would, of course, have to resign, as well as most Democrat elected officials and many of the people who would run to replace them.


But that would be a small price to pay to make Donald Trump withdraw from politics for harming democracy’s legitimacy.

Tossing “election deniers” out of public life would serve the country incredibly well, all things considered. It would in fact do what Donald Trump has promised to do for almost a decade: drain the swamp. Trump himself might take that deal: in exchange for dropping out of the 2024 election every Democrat who challenged the legitimacy of his election in 2016 would voluntarily withdraw from politics and political commentary.

No fundraising, no officeholding, no political commentary. They can collect their retirement pay and slink off to “spend more time with their families.”

Even if Trump rejects the deal, I would hope that most Republicans would embrace it with the speed of a cheetah chasing its prey.

It’s hard to see the downside of Maddow’s apparent proposal. She would be off the air and be free to preach lesbian pride or something on the lecture circuit, or perhaps do movie reviews for Vice. Clinton could finally retire to Epstein Island or whatever she would enjoy, and pretty much every liberal political commentator would be free to pursue their dreams of creating a socialist paradise filled with World Economic Forum bureaucrats running the place.


Sure, Republicans would lose a substantial fraction of their elite class, but wouldn’t you be happy enough to see Rudy Guiliani sent out to pasture? Maria Bartiromo’s retirement wouldn’t be much of a loss, and Lou Dobbs could go back to covering space.

It would be a good deal, but I suspect that Maddow’s sincere concern that election results never be questioned is limited to only one side of the political aisle.

Question Republican victories in elections all you want. Democrat victories are off-limits.

Why is that fair?

It’s obvious: Democrats are supposed to win all elections because they stole them fair and square.

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Jazz Shaw 4:40 PM | October 17, 2024