Lying NBC "fact check" of DeSantis regarding abortion

One of the great myths the MSM and the Left want you to believe is that Democrats are pro-choice and not pro-abortion. Meanie Republicans want to turn women into broodmares, keeping them barefoot, pregnant, and voiceless.


That is why we oppose abortion. We concoct horror stories and malign freedom-loving Democrats who just want to hand out morning-after pills to women whose birth control failed or something.

That’s all a crock. Democrats are all about killing the kids because they are antinatalists. You don’t need me to tell you this; listen to what they say. They want fewer people, and one of the reasons they are pro-abortion and pro-“gender-affirming” care is that fewer babies can get born.

Ron DeSantis was interviewed by NBC News and the reporter, Dasha Burns, “fact-checked” him in real time about his abortion stance.

DeSantis made the obviously true statement that Democrats have an extreme position on abortion, including up until the moment of birth. This is an obviously true statement because Democrats say it all the time, although they try to obscure the fact by changing the subject to WHO makes the choice to kill the baby, and not that the baby is left dead.

By focusing on the mother instead of the act our empathy is brought out. It’s like a child being tried for murdering his parents begging for mercy because he is an orphan. You wouldn’t want to harm an orphan, would you?


Burns simply lied, in the manner that MSM reporters lie all the time. They get on their high horse and simply “debunk” plainly true statements, using their fake credibility vs a partisan (whom we rightly distrust as an interested party) in order to push a false narrative. NBC doubled down on the lie by editing DeSantis’ answer to their liking.

Democrats do support abortion until birth, and some even support abortion immediately after birth as you can see in this video:

And we are not talking about obscure Democrats from some hamlet or a city councilman from a deep blue city. These are top-tier Democrats mouthing the Party line, which is that abortion is an absolute good and that under no circumstances should anybody stand between a womb and a surgical vacuum.

It is true that most abortions take place earlier in the pregnancy, but it is also true that in principle Democrats believe that at no point in a pregnancy and for no reason at all should abortion be restricted. Democrats embrace abortion as a positive good–as “empowering” women so they can live their best lives.

Most Americans don’t share that point of view, which is why Burns tries to “debunk” an indisputable fact.

There are plenty of Americans whose view of abortion is nuanced–they see the humanity of the fetus as on a sliding scale determined by how far along the pregnancy is. You can agree or disagree with their position, but the number of people who see an 8th or 9th-month fetus as a “clump of cells” is vanishingly small.


Most people are repulsed by late-term abortions.

This media tactic is similar to that used in the so-called “book banning” debates, where journalists deceive people into believing we are arguing about Maya Angelou in the schools, and not pornographic instruction books inviting kids to experiment with their gender and their sexual practices as elementary and Junior High students. They never show what is in the books because people would be repelled.

It’s lying. Which is what we have come to expect from the MSM these days. It happens all the time now.

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