
Will the Democrats ever stop pretending?

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

By now some Democrats must be kicking themselves for believing that Joe Biden was a safe alternative to the other 2020 candidates.

Sure, he squeaked into office, carried on the backs of Zuckerbucks, questionable changes in election laws, a massive conspiracy to rig the election through censorship, media manipulation, and what Time Magazine called a “shadow campaign to save the 2020 election.” Save it from a Donald Trump victory, that is.

Molly Ball, the author of the piece, even admitted it was a conspiracy.

There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day. Both sides would come to see it as a sort of implicit bargain–inspired by the summer’s massive, sometimes destructive racial-justice protests–in which the forces of labor came together with the forces of capital to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s assault on democracy.

By now we all know that the nation’s CEOs are not exactly Republicans, but shill for transnational elites who push ESG on the rest of us. They are the ones who fund the WEF, after all.

But even with their success in carrying Basement Joe over the finish line, Biden has proven to be impossibly compromised. And as uncomfortable as Trump made the Establishment Republicans, Biden’s obvious corruption must be making some Democrats equally squeamish.

Don’t get me wrong; corruption in Washington DC is as common as poop on San Francisco sidewalks. But it is rarely so brazen and has never required so much effort to cover up through the deployment of both federal law enforcement and verbal tap dancing by every politician in his own party. Admittedly more the former than the latter. Tap dancing is nothing new to politicians.

The embarrassments for the Democrats are not occasional anymore; they come, literally, daily. Since last Wednesday you have seen a plea deal for Hunter Biden blow up because the Justice Department tried to convince a judge to give what amounted to a plenary pardon for every crime Hunter Biden had ever committed, the same Justice Department indicted not just Trump but his maintenance man to get the Biden plea deal off the front pages, and again the Justice Department dropped campaign finance charges against Sam Bankman-Fried to help cover up the $90 million in stolen money funneled to democrats including Joe Biden, and finally a Justice Department effort to jail a business partner of Biden to undermine his testimony before Congress.

All in less than a week.

On Monday that business partner testified that, contrary to what Joe Biden and every defender of his implausibly contended, Slow Joe did speak at least 20 times with Hunter’s clients. He may or may not have discussed business with those clients, but getting the VP on the phone as you are cutting deals has a way of making those deals happen even if he only discussed pleasantries.

See? My dad is well aware of what I am doing.

It’s like a mafia boss saying “Take care of this problem” instead of “kill Tony.” He may not have uttered the words, but everybody knows what was going on.

Still, Democrats must still defend the indefensible. It must get tiring.

A few years back Democrats were literally screaming about “emoluments” because unknown people were staying in Trump hotels, implying that Trump sold out the country because he owned hotels that foreigners stayed in.

Biden got on the phone with these guys to help his son extort millions of dollars, and it is no big deal.

Not one of these people could possibly believe what they are saying, although I do imagine that a bunch of average Biden supporters actually do buy that this was all about Hunter’s addiction and sex life.

No actual lawyer or politician does, and for the politically uncommitted in the electorate, the stink is getting hard to ignore.

Again, like poop in San Francisco.

In normal times Joe Biden would have as much chance of being reelected as John Fetterman has a chance of making sense for more than 10 seconds, but these are not normal times. As we saw with Fetterman’s election, the partisan split is so great that even a brain-damaged candidate can win handily if people dislike the alternative.

Still, in the backrooms where people speak more freely, many Democrats must be angry that they have to debase themselves defending Biden’s venality. Pete Buttigieg would merely have been incompetent–Biden has that covered too–not corrupt. Defending the multi-month paternity leave as president would have been tough, but then again Americans might enjoy a break from hearing about presidential buffoonery.

The fact that we have the vacuous Kamala Harris as VP and the hair-sniffing predator, a mob boss with dementia president must be a frustration for the few Democrats with integrity left in Washington DC.

Then again, perhaps I am overestimating the number of Democrats with integrity. The number could actually be zero.

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | September 20, 2024