Gender surgery and MAiD in one sad story

I fear that we will be hearing a lot of stories similar to this one in the coming years.

I was saddened but not shocked to hear about the tragic story of Lois Cardinal, an indigenous man who was led astray into gender ideology and now is seeking Medical Assistance in Dying.


He sought out “gender-affirming surgery” as a cure for his unhappiness, and now is seeking MAiD as a cure for the pain and anxiety caused by that very “treatment.”

Cardinal describes himself as a ‘sterilized First Nations post-op transsexual,’ which is quite a mouthful, and he is campaigning to convince the medical system to kill him to relieve his constant pain.

In what seems like a first for Canada, the government doesn’t want to kill him. Odd, given Canada’s embrace of MAiD, and rather than being a good sign I suspect it is the fact that he is transgender that is holding them back. After all, Canada will kill you if you are a depressed 18-year-old, so why exactly this case is different is a mystery otherwise.

Still, not killing somebody has to be counted as a win, even if the reasoning not to do so is likely corrupt.

Cardinal’s story is heartbreaking.

An indigenous transgender woman has slammed Canada’s healthcare system for rejecting her euthanasia request despite the pain she endures from a surgically-built vagina.

In social media posts, Lois Cardinal, a self-proclaimed ‘sterilized First Nations post-op transsexual’ said regret over her medical transition led her to apply for a lethal injection in January.

Cardinal, who lives on a native reserve near St. Paul, Alberta, posted her medical records from the request online this week to draw attention to radical gender ideology.

Her case underscores the perils of Canada’s ultra-liberal healthcare system — one of the world’s most permissive for both euthanasia and affirming an individual’s chosen gender.

‘I’m in constant discomfort and pain,’ the 35-year-old told


Unfortunately about 4 out of 5 people who get “bottom” surgery wind up having significant issues with pain even years after their surgery. A vaginoplasty essentially creates a permanent wound that requires constant attention to ensure it remains open, which makes it surprising that anybody comes out the other side without permanent pain. Cardinal found this out the hard way.

Most recipients suffer pain and discomfort afterward, according to a recent study from the University of Florida.

Pain during intercourse and bladder problems are common.

Neo-vaginas must also be dilated regularly to stop them from collapsing.

On Wednesday, Cardinal posted online the papers of her formal request under Canada’s medical assistance in dying (MAiD) law.

In the documents, Cardinal’s doctor, who is not identified, cites her underlying problem as ‘pain/anxiety related to neo-vagina for gender affirmation.’

In the papers, the doctor said she consulted another clinician and referred Cardinal to a specialist, but ultimately rejected her MAiD request.

Both before his surgery, and now after that “treatment” for his dysphoria, Cardinal has been denied what he so desperately needs–support that would help him deal with his unhappiness and mental illness. The surgery was not the proper treatment for the dysphoria–leaving him worse off–and MAiD is self-evidently not a medical treatment for his pain and depression.


We are people, not just bodies. The core fallacy of “gender-affirming” care is that the problem it is supposed to treat is one that can be solved through disfiguring surgery. Dysphoria is a mental condition, not a physical one. It is no more scientific than the practice of drilling holes into the skulls of the “possessed” to let demons escape, as ancient primitives once did.

Modern medicine has produced many miracles, but it has also led us astray into believing that every problem can be treated with a pill, a shot, or a scalpel. And if none of those work, a short, painless death can always deal with the wreckage.

Years from now we will look back at the “gender-affirmation” craze as a “lobotomy” moment. Medical professionals have fallen in love with what appears to be a miracle cure for a previously insoluble problem and jump feet first into barbarity.

Now, as then, likely nobody will be held accountable. Instead, people will shrug and turn away from the damage. And at least in Canada, some of the human victims will become human sacrifices to the gods of medicine.


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