Sunday Smiles

It’s Father’s Day!

Here’s a shout out to every father out there who put in the hours, days, weeks, and years to ensure that your kids have a wonderful life. There is no job in the world that matters a tenth as much as being a parent.

There is something of a war on parenthood these days, with Leftists claiming that bureaucrats, politicians, and activists have children’s best interests at heart, and that parents simply don’t have the expertise to care for children nearly as well. How often do you see a blue-haired 20-something explain condescendingly that their education gives them a special skill to determine what is best for a child?

Once is too often.

Nobody loves a child as does a parent, and on Mothers’ and Fathers’ Days we are all about celebrating that love.

And now, on to the funnies!







































































From the Newspaper of Record

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