New definition of woman: "non-man"; UPDATED

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Johns Hopkins University has found a way to avoid acknowledging that women exist: eliminate them entirely from the vocabulary.

No, I am not joking.

In an LGBT Glossary provided by the university to students a range of words related to gender identity and sexuality are defined. As usual, the words are constantly changing and the description warns that there are many more, but a core vocabulary is provided for the enlightenment of students. 


No glossary could encompass the range of identities and terms that are used within LGBTQIA+ communities. If you hear a term you don’t recognize, or feel like someone is using a term in a new way, ask the individual what the term means to them. This glossary is meant as an introduction to the community, and is not the definitive answer as to how everyone understands these terms.

Words have no meaning, apparently. It’s all whatever you feel, man.

Speaking of man:

This is a great solution to the problem of defining the word “woman.” Simply ignore the fact that they exist at all.

Many of us have been arguing that the core of transgender/alphabet ideology is the erasure of the uniquely female attributes, which amounts to the erasure of women as a category. That is a theme of Matt Walsh’s excellent movie “What is a Woman?” in which no person wrapped up in alphabet ideology can provide an answer to the question.

To this day, I have yet to hear an actual answer to the question from the alphabet crowd. The answer always is “A woman is a person who thinks they are a woman,” which is no answer at all.


Johns Hopkins, at least, acknowledges the fundamental reality of the alphabet ideology: they believe men exist, but others are “non-women.”

I showed the definition to my wife and she laughed nervously. She is, according to Johns Hopkins’ definition, characterized by the absence of manhood.

There are men and non-men.

This ironically exactly mirrors the claim that many modern feminists made regarding how misogynistic men defined women, seeing women as inferior forms of men. Scientific American made a ridiculous video claiming that the gender binary was invented in the 18th century, and until then the only sex recognized was male, and women were seen only as inferior men. (This is, of course, a laughable claim, but made to slander Western men).

Now we have come full circle: it is the Leftists who have literally excised women from the vocabulary: there are only men and non-men.

This is supposed to be a more diverse and inclusive language.

The erasure of womanhood and its replacement with a drag costume becomes more obvious every day.

Women, it seems, are nearing the bottom of the intersectional hierarchy, being only slightly less unworthy of consideration than White men.


Despite the fact that White men are the most reviled group in the alphabet world, in very few cases that has practical consequences that matter much to us. Women in men’s bathrooms are annoying, not threatening. Trans-men in our sports will hardly displace male competitors. Taking away men’s private spaces is invasive and shouldn’t happen because it impacts our quality of life, but it doesn’t materially impact us much.

Women, though, are being erased by the alphabet mob. Men may be hated by them, but women don’t even rate the emotional effort unless they present a direct threat. When men get involved in this fight it is not primarily for ourselves that we do this, but for women and children who are being harmed.

Women, though, are the only ones who can carry this fight to a successful conclusion. Women are the lynchpin of the Democrat coalition, and without a supermajority of women, their political agenda gets stymied. Women have bought into the weaponized compassion, and apparently, it will take a significant number of slaps in the face and attacks on children to mobilize enough women to fight back.

Of course, according to Johns Hopkins, there are no women.

Only non-men.


“The LGBTQ Glossary is a resource posted on the website of the Johns Hopkins University Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI); the definitions were not reviewed or approved by ODI leadership and the language in question has been removed pending review. Paula Neira and Dr. Sherita Golden are leaders at Johns Hopkins Medicine and have no involvement in this university matter.”

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