Every single thing in this Oxfam PSA is a blatant lie

(Nick Ansell/PA via AP, file)

Oxfam, a Britain-based international organization nominally dedicated to eradicating poverty has been for a long time a left-wing ideological organization with a nice-sounding mission.


Sure, Oxfam still sends “charity” workers around the world, but their history there is actually pretty dark. A huge scandal broke out when it was revealed that their Haiti operation after the 2010 earthquake (also related to a Clinton Initiative scandal of massive proportions) was, essentially, run by a pedophile ring that abused children as young as 12.

Originally formed to fight famines caused by World War II, it morphed into a general-purpose Left-wing propaganda and activist organization that uses its nice-sounding mission statement to push its ideology.

Once again the organization has stepped in it, this time because they aren’t even trying to hide their radical agenda. They produced a Pride Month video that is offensive on so many levels, not the least of which is that every single depiction of their opponents is hateful, and every single claim they make is a total lie.


The video is truly remarkable. It features hateful caricatures of JK Rowling and Andy Ngo, both targets of the Left, and portrays life as a gay person in the West as one long day after another of avoiding stonings, jail sentences, and hateful protests of their very existence.

This strikes me as a rather interesting message to send in the midst of a month where literally every single political, economic, and social institution in the country is sucking the toes of the alphabet people. The Minneapolis Veteran’s Administration hospital in the Twin Cities is flying four transgender flags rather than the flags of the 4 services for the month.

This is hardly a tough road to walk for the alphabet people, although they appear to believe that being asked a simple question like “What is a woman” is tantamount to genocide.

Let’s take a look at the video and dissect it:

The first claim, right out of the box: LGBTQIA people are deprived of basic safety. This is, of course, ridiculous. Transgender people in particular are among the least common victims of violent crime, with a murder rate of about half of the general population.


The second: alphabet people are not protected by laws. Ridiculous.

The third: “preyed on by hate groups online and off. This image features caricatures of  JK Rowling and Andy Ngo, sparking enough outrage that Oxfam had to take the video down.

Piers Morgan and countless others took to the Twitters and the airwaves to hit back against Oxfam, both noting the ridiculousness of the pitch and the hateful tone in which it is made.

Now Oxfam denies it had any hateful intent when it put the video out, but there is plenty of reason to question their explanation.

Not the least of which is that their Head of Influencing is an alphabet activist who spent 5 years at Stonewall UK, part of the mob that has been hounding Rowling and others as hateful “TERFs.”

There is other evidence as well, including a former Oxfam employee who was hounded out of the company due to her support of Oxfam charity bookstores selling Rowling’s work. Undoubtedly these same people would cry “censorship” if a pornographic book promoting alphabet ideology was removed from an elementary school.


It certainly is true that there are far less gay-friendly places in the world than the West, but this ad was aimed specifically at people in the West in order to spread the propaganda that the alphabet crowd is eternally oppressed.

Hogwash. It is impossible to escape either their propaganda or their constant demands for celebration.

The hate rhetoric is real. But it comes from the alphabet people, and isn’t aimed at them. Just leave the kids alone.

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