Too autistic to speak? You must be trans!

AP Photo/John Hanna

Toddlers and severely autistic children can communicate their “trans” identity by rejecting barrettes and drawing “queer” pictures.

Yep. You go with that. After all, in order to keep the money flowing into the “Gender-affirming” medical establishment one has to mutilate as many kids as possible. Those “teets” need to be “yeeted,” after all. There’s good money in those children’s bodies.


I am well past the point of being surprised by the savagery of the gender-bending doctors who spend every waking moment plotting to sterilize and mutilate children.

I still have hope, though, that less cynical Americans will rebel as the Left digs ever deeper into the depths of hell. This is, I fear, a misguided hope. After all, the Leftists have already pushed infanticide into the public realm, openly supporting the killing of infants moments from exiting the womb, and in some cases slyly suggesting that exit from the womb is not sufficient to provide standing as a human being with a right to life.

The next step in the queering of America is the transing of children who cannot speak. Children who are so autistic that they are, literally, incapable of speech, and toddlers who get upset when adults put little pieces of plastic in their hair.

Karasic [a psychiatrist] began his talk by noting that autism spectrum disorder overlaps with gender dysphoria “more than expected, for reasons we don’t know.”

“Anyone who is doing gender work sees a lot of people with autism spectrum disorder,” he said, without showing any signs of curiosity as to why that might be.

Then came an acknowledgment of the difficulties faced by gender clinicians treating this complex group, which ranged from communication issues due to many of the patients being quite “verbally impaired” and many lacking a strong social support network.

But Karasic doesn’t see these issues as insurmountable. The verbally impaired will find ways to make their feelings known, he assured the audience and many ASD patients who don’t have a strong support network in real life actually have “pretty robust” online support networks.

Karasic stated that it is often the parents who present the biggest challenge, especially those who “attribute gender diversity or gender dysphoria to the intense focus on circumscribed interests in ASD.”


Having spent a lot of time around children, I can report definitively that dressing toddlers can be a chore similar to wrangling a bull into submission. Whether it is the determination to wear a Superman costume or a princess outfit EVERY DAMN DAY, or the insistence that shoes are an inconvenience to be avoided in a room full of glass shards, toddlers are surprisingly stubborn when asked to get dressed in a socially appropriate manner.

This frustrating fact, according to the WPATH, is ironclad proof that such toddlers are transgender and need social support to turn them into simulacra of the opposite sex.

And those autistic children who are so disabled that they cannot speak? Lop off their genitals, now! It is the compassionate thing to do.

Then came a question from the audience regarding how to handle pushback from more senior individuals who question the validity of assessments performed on verbally impaired autistic youth seeking sex changes. The audience member confessed to often “accidentally getting on [her] high horse” in such instances.

Following a brief anecdote from Karasic about a 17-year-old severely autistic male patient who “is very clearly trans,” is benefiting from being on estrogen, and “if anything is just impatient for more feminization and wishes they had gotten treated earlier,” Ehrensaft makes her first contribution to the discussion.

“Getting on her high horse” is another way of saying bullying the parents into submitting to the outrage of transing a child.

This is the kind of cutting-edge thinking that led to tens of thousands of people getting their brains literally scrambled by ghouls in the 20th Century. Today the ghouls of yesteryear have simply set their sights on genitals rather than brains; in both the case of lobotomies and transgenderism, the goal is to permanently mutilate healthy children into cripples condemned to a life of suffering.


It is impossible to fully grasp the cruelty of these “treatments” for what is likely to be temporary distress–distress that is as often for the adults, and not even the children involved. Having trouble dressing your toddler is hardly a cause for medicalizing normal behavior of children who are just learning how to be civilized human beings. In my youth, a girl I had a crush on gave me some barrettes with flowers on them and I wore them for a few days, trying to please her.

I was, needless to say, not crying for help to become a girl. I was trying to impress a girl. It didn’t work. I was solidly in the friend zone.

There is no room for surprise when it comes to Leftists. Their goal is the utter destruction of all social norms and of Western society itself. What is dispiriting is that the entire weight and power of the Establishment, including the president, the Democrat Party, academia, corporate America, and the MSM are all pushing in the same direction.

And far, far too many average Americans are willing to go along in order to preserve their social credit.

It is these latter points that appall. Normal, everyday Americans who consider themselves progressives are now aggressively objecting to the protection of children, simply because Republicans and conservatives object to what is an objective evil. They literally prefer the sterilization and mutilation of children to admit that conservatives might be right.

Dear God, make it stop!

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John Stossel 8:30 AM | January 12, 2025