Insanity is being normalized

(AP Photo/Pablo Martinez Monsivais)

What if you destroy the norms and definitions that give shape to our lives and our basic understanding of the world?

There is a term used to describe how, essentially, we navigate the world day to day. We use heuristics, which is a fancy Greek term for how we parse out the world in an essentially common-sense fashion. Rules of thumb, estimates based upon experience, guesstimates, satisficing. Finding solutions that, while not exactly precise, work well enough to navigate the world successfully.


In reality, outside specific tasks that require precision, this is how we HAVE to navigate the world because there is just no way to pin everything down to the hundredth decimal on every single thing, and we haven’t the actual capacity to do so in every case because the world is far too chaotic to do so. The variables are infinite and their interactions chaotic, which makes the counsel of waiting until everything is known the equivalent of suicidal paralysis.

Imagine waiting for all the possible information about the food on your plate and waiting to eat until it is all processed and discovered. You would simply starve to death and die. So you eat, based upon the experience that broccoli and prime rib will sustain you. A nice glass of wine (which one day is, one day isn’t, and a third day is supposed to be good for you) is a nice touch as well. We just act because we must, based on common sense.

You work with what you have and what you know and make the best decisions possible. It’s how we must navigate the world.

So what happens when you dump something like “critical theory” into everything?

The whole point of critical theory is to take simple and understood concepts and turn them into a jumble of gobbledygook in which your normal understanding of what things are and how things work into a total mess. That mess is created, actually, with a purpose.

That purpose is that we are subjected to a tyranny of those who claim to be in the know about the real state of the world, and the means is destroying your heuristic. Your understanding of how the world works becomes destroyed. It is paralyzing.


How can you make any rational choices if your understanding of how things work and what things are is completely undermined?

Basic concepts like “man” and “woman” become meaningless. You are literally prevented from using categories necessary to living life in a sane manner because your common sense–and that sense has to be common or we cannot even communicate–has been stripped from you.

Nothing in the world is what it appears, the critical theorist argues. You must submit to my superior understanding.

So you get this:

He was a man in the last race, now he is a woman who shouts “girl power!” as he steals victory from a woman.

This has nothing to do with justice, which again is a concept that has been turned upside down, folded, spindled, and stapled. It has to do with power. Critical theorists themselves say this: language is power. This is why language is being destroyed in the service of transferring power from you and me to them and theirs.

It really isn’t about the gender theory, at least not only gender theory. It is about undermining your basic understanding of how the universe works and replacing it with…nothing, really. Every concept is always in flux, always on a spectrum, and totally indefinable. Literally indefinable. Gender theory is just very effective because it 1) empowers shock troops, and 2) really screws with your head on the most basic level. We know “man” and “woman” from basically the beginning of our lives.


It is a foundational piece of knowledge. If you can eliminate a category so basic, what can’t you do?

Watch as a Women’s Studies professor struggles and then attacks when asked the question “What is a woman?” He literally cannot answer the question without going into a melange of meaningless rants that wind up with his assertion of power and denigration of anybody who will not submit. Asking for a definition is oppression because it demands clarity while he wants you merely to submit to his whims.

He, not Matt, has institutional power. Matt is effectively fighting that power, but look around–the professor and his ilk are winning and team sanity is losing, at least for now. Every powerful institution is working to undermine reality.

Language gives us a common referent–a way to communicate based on a common experience where what is in our minds refers to something we share in common, and hence transfers thoughts from one person to another. It is imperfect, a heuristic if you will, but it works well enough for us to generally communicate and work together toward common goals.

Modern Leftism is about destroying that and replacing it with absolute power for themselves. They do not actually believe their underlying claims, because they communicate with each other with common referents, and share general goals. They actually believe in some form of reality whatever they claim.

Some will claim that gravity is a social construct (I have had this conversation with a critical theorist in grad school who claimed gravity was an expression of White supremacy), but none of these people jump out of windows believing they won’t hit the ground. They don’t act like they believe what they say, because they don’t. They simple changed the definition of the words they say without cluing you in.


Their goal is to create insanity in others. Insanity, as in the dissociation of our lived experience with that of reality. Actually, what they are trying to create is sort of a controlled psychosis, in which your understanding of reality is mediated through concepts that they control.

The very definitions of those concepts can and must change over time, to keep you off balance. You have seen this all the time, where claims about reality suddenly shift not due to some claim that new evidence arose that changed “the science,” but a shift in what “the science” is. We are expected to simply accept that what was true 5 minutes ago was never true, and what is true now has always been such.

Justin Trudeau just pulled this off in Canada regarding the jab, where he completely rewrites history. Fauci is doing the same here in the US. Randi Weingarten is literally claiming that the AFT tried to get schools opened quickly.

As conservatives who reject the destruction of the basic heuristic of daily life, we think we can “prove” that they are lying, and produce videos like this:

The video is, in fact, proof that Trudeau is lying. But so what? For the vast millions of people who have accepted that their basic understanding of the world is flawed and that the authorities have the correct understanding of the world, the proof is irrelevant.


You have had the experience, undoubtedly, where you have a conversation with a vaccine and mask fanatic and go through the evidence that neither of them works to prevent infection and transmission–these are, by now, uncontroversial and established facts backed by countless studies and our lived experience. When every major public health and political figure who wears masks and got the jab got COVID it was pretty obvious that neither work as advertised.

Yet these people cling to the masks and jabs as talismans. Evidence is irrelevant. Utterly irrelevant. The reality was defined, and they cling to this “reality” and simply cannot see the real world.

They are functionally insane. And because these people are in a sense psychotic–their “reality” is a creation and not based upon experience of any kind. They may be functional, but so are sociopaths. They are broken.

The modern Left has this goal: creating broken people. It is their means to power. It is their lifeblood. It is everything.

Every time a Leftist speaks, remember that they also assert that words have no inherent meaning. When they say “justice” it doesn’t mean what you think. When they say “genocide” as in “trans-genocide,” it has nothing to do with violence and killing. Everything they say has one goal: power.

They are using your heuristic against you–tapping into your understanding of the way things work and twisting it into something else, with the goal of redefining everything to their advantage.


For the Left, everything is power. And all power should be theirs.

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | February 21, 2025