Anti-christian bias? Ain't no anti-christian bias!

AP Photo/Brennan Linsley

Christians may not be the most persecuted group in America. That unhappy crown is still worn by the Jews. About 3/4ths of anti-religious bias incidents are against Jews.


With that said, it is not socially acceptable to be anti-Jewish, anti-Muslim, or anti-gay. It IS to be anti-Christian. And increasingly our political and cultural elite are openly anti-Christian.

As a free speech guy, I actually don’t object to social media platforms allowing non-violent speech about any particular group of people, set of beliefs, public policy, or just about anything else.

It can be ugly, and unlike some free-speech polyannas I don’t believe that truth or decency will always win out. Lots of ugly beliefs retain currency no matter what freedoms or restrictions are put in place. That is the human condition. Sometimes criticism is beneficial, sometimes not.

It’s just that the alternative to allowing speech we find offensive is suppressing speech we find offensive or harmful, and that alternative is much worse. It is basically opening the door to totalitarianism, where the powers-that-be decide what can and cannot be said.

Look at what happened during COVID, where the powers that be suppressed true information in order to enforce their policies. At the end of the day, the greatest purveyors of misinformation were the government and the MSM.

There is a special irony that the particular example I chose comes from a social media site that is Chinese, but its policies are not fundamentally different from those of other social media companies.


Choosing who and who can’t be criticized is intended to act as a form of mind control. By shaping what can and cannot be said and who can and cannot say things, social media companies are taking control of the public discourse. While it doesn’t work on everyone, because it actually encourages the more extreme among us to feel oppressed and fight back, it does limit the realm of acceptable opinions within the vast middle where people just want to live their lives without fear.

Christianity has been a target for quite a while now. The anti-Christian bias of the Left-wing has existed for generations, but until recently no Lefty politicians in America have openly embraced it.

That’s less and less the case, as non-elected elites have stepped up their campaign to undermine Christianity the elected elites are following suit.

As I wrote last week, the Biden Administration has been conducting an anti-Catholic campaign pretty openly, sending FBI agents after conservative Catholics and labeling them potential terrorists. The military kicked Catholic priests out of Walter Reed Military Medical Center during Holy Week, and the administration has declared open season on pro-life crisis pregnancy centers.

Oregon requires all applicants who want to adopt to renounce Christian beliefs about the sexual binary and take children to Pride parades, put up Pride posters and flags, and promise to aid the transition of kids. This effectively bars conservative Christians from adopting or even caring for children without parents. No foster care, no counseling, basically no contact with children desperately in need of adult care.


It would be interesting to see if they impose the same restrictions on Muslims and Jews who express concerns about gender ideology.

Anti-christian bias is now openly practiced by elite institutions. They aren’t even hiding it anymore. Especially since few in the MSM will allow stories about these issues to filter into the public consciousness.

What can be done about it? First, be loud and proud of your beliefs. Second, ally with other religious groups where you can. And third?

Vote like your morality depends upon it. Because it does.

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