
Our elites are murdering America

The top and the bottom social strata of America have united to destroy the middle.

It’s tempting to direct the majority of our anger at the violent thugs doing the visible damage, but that is actually a mistake. Not because they are victims–they deserve absolutely no mercy, and I hope that they get everything they deserve for the damage they are doing to our cities and to the average citizens whose lives they are destroying.

They won’t, though. And that is why we should direct our ire at the people who control the social and political mechanisms that keep societies running. Thuggishness is universal; enabling and encouraging thuggishness is a choice that has been made by those in our Elite.

Civilization is a choice, not an inevitability. It is something built up, painfully and expensively, over time. There are places in the world, such as Japan, where citizens are safe, the streets are clean, and chaos doesn’t reign. These societies aren’t perfect by any means, because no society is perfect. But at a basic level, they work.

America, at least in the places controlled by the dominant social, cultural, and political elite, doesn’t work anymore. Our major cities are imploding before our eyes, our government is directing its efforts at destroying our economy, spying and oppressing its average citizens, and criminals are given carte blanche to attack and loot the persons and property of others. Our cultural and educational institutions have declared war on sanity, and they are dissolving the basic relationship between parents and children.

It’s not at all complicated, nor is it incomprehensible. It only seems so because it is difficult to believe that the people who benefit most from society’s fruits are determined to destroy that very society. Yet it happens all the time in history. Civilizations die of self-inflicted wounds all the time.

This week’s insanity in Chicago is, first of all, much worse than you have been led to believe. You see the riot and hear about the shootings. You see the footage of kids rampaging throughout Chicago’s Loop–the toniest part of the city and one that I have enjoyed photographing many times. Beege has a great report on what happened.

But you probably haven’t seen what happened within the crowds. The savage attacks on random people. Hundreds of feral teens swarming people and beating them to a pulp.

The rioting looks terrible from afar and reminds of scenes from 3rd world countries in the midst of civil strife. But this is very different, and the result of unleashing resentments and imparting a feeling of impunity that our Elites actually planned to unleash. They chose this. Before 2020 you didn’t see this sort of behavior at a mass scale.

Chicago’s leader’s reactions? Not horror. Not condemnation. A mild scolding, of course, because anything less would be politically untenable. But in the main, it was a defense of the savages who committed terrible crimes.

Beatings. Shootings. Property destruction. Massive police presence. It happened for days, and their response is akin to calling for midnight basketball.

They know that won’t stop the destruction. Because, at some level, they are fine with it. They have chosen it. They embrace it because the alternative–Western civilization–is a worse evil. Better to be Venezuela than America.

Chicagoans chose to replace Lori Lightfoot, perhaps the worst Mayor in America, with an even worse alternative. Voters decided she wasn’t Leftist enough, so they chose a BLM clown whose response to the mayhem (yes, Lori, it was mayhem!) was to call for safe spaces for youth.

The voters had every reason to expect that would be his response. In 2020 his response to the riots was exactly the same.

Three times Brandon Johnson was asked whether he condemned looting, and 3 times he couldn’t answer that looting was unacceptable. Rather, he condemned corporations for participating in the oppressive capitalist system. And now that corporations are leaving Chicago, he blames them for food deserts.

It’s not just Chicago. All the Blue cities are slouching toward Gomorrah. Over the weekend this happened in Los Angeles:

There was never a time when law enforcement could deal with a situation like that without resorting to deadly force at a scale impossible in a civil society. It would have required mowing down the looters, and nobody wants that. When the citizenry is at war with the police, the police cannot win any battle.

It’s just that in a working society, you don’t have to resort to that kind of policing because people do not behave like that. Social norms maintain civilization, not police. Police exist to deal with the edge cases where for some reason social norms have broken down. They have been breaking down for a long time, and now they are broken.

Mass looting and rioting are supposed to be exceptions. And when they occur the response becomes military, not civilian. You call out the National Guard because society has broken down. That happened in 2020. Expect it to happen again. And again.

Well, society breaking down is what the Elite WANT. Obviously so. Just listen to them. They keep on telling us that in every way they can. They show you by the actions they choose. They set the FBI on parents complaining about the destruction of the public schools, Catholics who faithfully go to mass, and people complaining about tyranny on social media. They want us scared and compliant.

But they let street thugs off the hook to offend again. They go after you and me and set the thugs after us.

Look around you. It is not a conspiracy theory. It’s not even a conspiracy. They tell you they hate you. You are deplorable. A White supremacist. A terrorist. MAGAts.

You are privileged, while the kids destroying cities and beating defenseless women are enjoying the evening.

In 2020 riots were good for public health. Remember that? As long as you want to burn down cities then COVID policies don’t apply. After all, destroying cities with fire is even more efficient than destroying them with lockdowns.

Why haven’t enough Americans awakened to the threat that our Elites pose to American civilization?

To me it seems pretty simple: it’s incomprehensible to most people that the people we trusted as “experts” would hate us so much that they would purposely destroy what we hold dear. Besides, wouldn’t destroying America destroy the foundation of their own cushy lives?

  1. They do hate you that much. Again, listen to what they say. You are deplorable. 
  2. Elites tend to do just fine when civilizations descend into chaos. Look at the Russian oligarchs, the Cuban elite, and the Venezuelan elite. Graft is even easier in broken civilizations. 

Even warlords in third-world countries become billionaires. Living off the spoils can be very profitable indeed. Look how the wealthy did under COVID lockdowns. Thousands of average people lost everything. The wealthy got wealthier and had a fine ol’ time.

Who knows exactly what the real numbers are? But the trend was clear: small businesses were shut down while big businesses and big tech did very well indeed. The decline can be a very profitable thing if you know how to play your cards right. And if it all collapses completely these guys will be long dead.

Remember how George Soros gained a billion dollars from breaking the British Pound? Destruction can be good business.

The people at the top are much worse than you can possibly believe. Not all of them, of course. Many of them are just enjoying their cushy lives and mouthing whatever their peers say. There are plenty of nice enough people at the top who decide to look away as their peers loot and destroy our society. Tenure is hard to give up. Or corporate jobs. Or a government job.

But the people who are running things? They are much worse than you imagine. They know that “defunding the police,” opening the border, clearing out the jails, regulating our economy into stagnation, and destroying public education will hurt average Americans. But when they leave government they will join corporate boards, run nonprofits, become multimillionaires and laugh all the way to the bank.

They just don’t care. They like riots. They like Antifa. They like the destruction of major industries. It works fine for them. Others’ pain can be profitable, and flying private to a conference on global warming is quite pleasant.

Do I sound cynical?

I didn’t use to be. But look at those videos. Not just the ones of the riots, but of the RESPONSE to the riots. They are just fine with it. They created the conditions for it. And they are choosing for it to continue.

The decline is a choice. These are the people choosing it.

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