
Gender dysphoria and transgender ideology are very different things

Silvia Izquierdo

With the rise in transgender identification, transgender ideology, and now militant transgender activism, now would be a good time to step back and think clearly about the distinction between genuine gender dysphoria and the modern transgender movement.

Despite what you hear, they are very different things and you should think about them in very different ways.

Gender dysphoria is a very real phenomenon. One which up until recently has been a recognized mental illness (it should never have been reclassified, and was because of transgender ideology), and about which there has always been controversy regarding how best to treat it.

Dysphorias are mental and emotional phenomena. Anorexia is also a dysphoria, for instance, in which the person experiencing the dysphoria genuinely feels disconnected from their body and has a distorted view of themselves and their body. As we know, dysphoria can lead to death.

Suicidal depression and dysphoria are connected, obviously, and people experiencing dysphoria need treatment and to be treated with respect and compassion. Simply because you cannot understand the reasons behind the feeling doesn’t invalidate them. The feelings themselves are real and no different in kind than PTSD or other disorders of the mind. No compassionate person would berate somebody who thinks themselves worthless for whatever reason. They, too, are a child of God.

Dysphorias are not the result of choices.

Gender ideology, and most modern transgender-identifying people, exist because of critical gender theory which asserts that gender dysphoria is not actually a real thing, despite their using the term. Rather than having a mental illness, this kind of gender dysphoria is the result of a conflict between the self-identity of the “dysphoric” person and the societal expectations of behavior for that gender.

People with gender dysphoria of this type “feel” they belong in a different body or have identities that differ from the gender expectations of society, but most do not have the actual sense of dissociation from their birth body. They choose to change it, but more in line with the way people do other body modifications which have become so prevalent.

If they are children they clearly have no sense of the long-term consequences of this, and gender ideology actively seeks to hide them.

It is the adoption of a personality, and changing genders is more like changing clothes than anything else. This is why there is so much emphasis on “safe, reversible, impermanent” medical treatments. While these are all lies; gender surgery and hormone treatments for children are entirely experimental, if they were presented as such and as last-ditch treatments in order to deal with genuinely life-threatening conditions they would be discussed as such.

More in line with using experimental drugs for a terminal patient than something advertised on TikTok. Instead we get propaganda about how these treatments are safe and effective ways to save lives. That is clearly false, and is destroying lives.

We often hear about doctors telling parents that they have a choice between a dead child and a live transgender child, the actual reality is that in almost all cases no other treatments are even offered to parents, despite the dangers of using experimental and dangerous treatments. We don’t resort to force-feeding anorexics before counseling, but we do with gender dysphoria diagnoses often made after one visit to a doctor. Any attempt at counseling is called “conversion therapy,” and it is banned in many states.

I repeat: counseling children for gender dysphoria is BANNED in many states, and derided at every turn in the media. There is an anti-counseling movement for children suffering from identity crises. It would be as if we banned counseling for anorexia.

That’s because the diagnosis is not medical, but ideological. Transgenderism is not seen as a disease or dysphoria to be cured but as a positive good. It is a positive good because gender ideology, or critical gender theory, sees breaking down the gender binary as a necessary step to reforming society away from bourgeois values.

Transgender activists actively promote going “no contact” with parents–actual rejection of any contact with parents–and in California, they are promoting children leaving their parents through the force of law, as Jazz wrote about yesterday. Throughout social media you find gender groomers interposing themselves between children and their parents, and being praised for it in the MSM.

This creep, asking kids to contact him in private and go “no contact” with their parents, is a hero on the Left and praised in the MSM. He features praise from The New York Times and The Los Angeles Times on his front page, and if you look him up he is defended all across the MSM. They claim he is being unfairly persecuted.

No. He is a creep who likely belongs in jail. Somebody should subpoena his private Patreon messages with kids.


“Kindness, compassion, gold rush.” He is a hero not despite his child grooming, but because of it. He is a prophet of gender ideology, and gender ideology is the way to destroy Western Culture. That is the goal.

None of this has to do with gender dysphoria, except the fact that they are recruiting kids to believe they have it, just as kids pretend to have Tourettes or tic disorders. There is uncountable data about how kids who THINK they have gender dysphoria are just going through a normal phase of identity formation. They are being groomed in a certain direction.

Yes, that is a thing. There is the currency in being a victim, being disabled, or being mentally ill. The ideologues have made it of very high social value. Celebrated it. And as with everything, if you reward it, you get more of it.

The trans-activist movement is, at the base, yet another line of attack in the war against capitalism and the West. If you actually listen to what the ideologists preach, it is tangentially related to gender, but ultimately directed at bourgeois culture. The church, the family, and the education system. All of it needs to be destroyed or taken over.

That is the goal, and it is succeeding in many areas. K-12 is filled with ideological warriors, and Drag Queen Story Hour exists in order to further the cause. They are recruiting child drag performers now for the pleasure of adults. It is all of a piece, and has nothing to do with any naturally occurring mental illness.

It is an ideological movement taking over society.

People with actual gender dysphoria are being used. We rightly feel compassion for them, even though we cannot understand what they are going through. I don’t understand anorexia, but I can see the pain. Often with depression, you can’t see it, but it is corrosive to the soul. If you can’t feel compassion for such people then there is also something wrong with you.

But that is not what we are seeing in modern society. Genuinely gender dysphoric people are extremely rare. Vanishingly so.

Gender ideology is everywhere, and is on the march. It is just another branch of the Marxist critical theory attack on Western civilization and there is no other option than to destroy it root and branch.

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | March 12, 2025