Are you a "mixed berry gender fluid muffin?"

(AP Photo/Jeri Clausing)

Apparently, this is a thing. At least sort of. In Wales.

As I am 1/4th Welsh, this may explain a lot about me. I have always had a strong attraction to muffins, although my preferences run to blueberry, not a mixed berry. Undoubtedly the single-berry muffin is a thing. Perhaps, in Wales, the dingleberry muffin is a gender as well.


Gender ideology is as big an issue in Great Britain as in the United States, with Scotland and apparently Wales having government officials fully on board with the gender revolution. England itself is pulling back, with the Tory government more skeptical of late.

While the Tories are hardly Ron DeSantis conservatives, they are willing to push back against the most extreme elements of the gender benders.

British schools’ version of sex education is called “sex and relationship education,” and in recent months a number of examples of radical curricula have emerged. School officials have worked hard to hide the specifics–to the point that this story from The Telegraph comes from a leaked document. But as details come out the controversies have become as nasty there as here in the U.S.

Children as young as seven might be a “mixed berry gender fluid muffin”, teachers have been told in a sex education resource promoted by the Welsh Government.

The 170-page “Agenda” pamphlet, which has been promoted to all schools in Labour-run Wales, claims that biological sex “is not just ‘male’ and ‘female’” and lectures teachers on how some “want to change our gender pronouns (eg. from he to she) or want to be ‘agender’”, where they have no gender.

It has been described as the latest “highly inappropriate” example of sex and relationships education in Britain’s schools to emerge, with critics claiming the Welsh First Minister Mark Drakeford is “determined to push gender ideology”.

An investigation by The Telegraph found last week that pupils in some secondary schools have been told there are 100 genders and children are being taught gender fluidity as fact in some major academy trusts and independent schools, which led to Rishi Sunak ordering an urgent review this week.

Now, the Telegraph has obtained the Agenda pamphlet, which was produced by Cardiff University academics in partnership with the Welsh government, the Children’s Commissioner for Wales and charities, and targeted at seven to 18-year-olds.

The Welsh government logo is listed on the pamphlet and Kirsty Williams, who was the Welsh education minister until 2021, said it had been “hugely successful and has been used widely throughout Wales”.

A section on gender identity recommends that teachers play the “mixed-muffin gender berry challenge” to learn about “how you can’t assume someone’s gender by how they look”.


As ridiculous as all this sounds, it is really just a variation of what is being taught in schools throughout the Anglo-American world. Whether the metaphor used is mixed berry muffins or, as is also used in the Welsh curriculum, the comparison of human beings to seahorses, it amounts to the same thing: biology is a social construct. Reality exists solely in our own minds, which explains why disagreements appear to be violence, and denial is seen as a kind of genocide.

Do you deny I am a mixed berry muffin? You are denying my existence! Because the person only exists in their own mind, by their own light it is equivalent to wiping them off the face of the Earth.

Elementary and secondary schools are not the only ones teaching this nonsense; it has invaded medical journals, and medical schools, and even pops up in disciplines as unrelated to sex and gender as physics and astronomy. When I studied philosophy this was all fun and games as we discussed epistemology and Cartesianism; in today’s world it is children and young adults breaking down into incoherent screaming about being misgendered and “deadnamed.”

At base is a revolt against reality itself. Which, if you are a student, actually sounds pretty good, as fantasy often seems preferable to reality.

Of course, the whole point of education is to help people become mature enough to make the distinction between reality and fantasy so students can act in accordance with reality.

Unfortunately, adults have become as attached to fantasy as a 4-year-old. Students in today’s educational institutions are encouraged to divorce themselves completely from reality.


They are urged to research “species that challenged traditional gender roles”, with the examples given of seahorses, anglerfish as well as slipper snails which “change between male and female”.

Welsh teachers are also urged to “pledge to find different ways of dividing young people other than their perceived sex or gender group (eg male/female, boy/girls)” and both gendered uniform policies and gender-segregated toilets are criticised for “reinforcing gender norms”.

It is easy to see the attraction for children, but perplexing at first that adults abandoned their responsibility to help children mature into responsible adults.

That is, until you understand the point. And that point is to destroy the current social order and replace it with one more to their liking. The redefinition of everything is about seizing power, not social justice or any such high-minded pursuit. It is a raw power grab.

You see that in action everywhere you look. The recent kefuffle at Stanford, where law students paying $100,000/year to become prestigious lawyers and eventually judges, politicians, and masters of the universe are encouraged and empowered to insult and shout down a federal judge.

Their defense is that his existence causes “harm.” And, in their view, he does, although that harm is purely metaphysical. His attachment to reality is an offense against their fantasy. The only solution is to silence and eventually eliminate him and people like him.

People like you and me.

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John Stossel 8:30 AM | February 01, 2025