They literally laughed at you

(AP Photo/Alastair Grant, file)

In the US we have the Twitter Files. In the UK they are now getting the WhatsApp revelations.

And those revelations are going to be doozies if we can judge from the reports trickling out from the reporters going through the millions of words written by UK bureaucrats and policymakers in secret.


At the height of the pandemic, UK government officials created a secret back channel for communications that were never intended to see the light of day. Rather than using government emails or texting on government phones, officials used WhatsApp to hide their deliberations from the public.

Among the many things we have learned so far–such as the discussions about culling all the cats in Great Britain–the most important is simply a confirmation of what we all already knew: they hate us.

Have contempt for us.

Literally, they laugh at our pain behind our backs. This explains those parties at 10 Downing Street where government officials yukked it up as they locked everybody else down. Do you think it didn’t happen here? Ask Gavin Newsom about his dinner parties at the French Laundry.

Such an appropriate name. Slumming with the plebs and all.

No doubt all my liberal readers will object, insisting that the “experts” had nothing more than the good of the public in mind when they insisted on enforcing the most ridiculous requirements on us.


Naifs. Nothing could be further from the truth.

They were screwing with us and laughing at our idiocy. Want proof? The Telegraph has it.

Those unlucky enough to be caught up in Britain’s pandemic-era hotel quarantine policy likened it to being held prisoner.

Messages seen by The Telegraph show that ministers and officials shared the sentiment and joked about passengers being “locked up” in “shoe box” rooms.

In Feb 2021 Simon Case, the country’s most senior civil servant, was in WhatsApp contact with Matt Hancock, the then health secretary, as Britain began a forced quarantine for returning holidaymakers.

Mr Hancock, however, thought that relying on “free will” was not always enough.

He was an advocate of using the police to crack down on anyone deemed to have broken quarantine or lockdown rules, even though the regulations were often open to interpretation. He expressed satisfaction when the “plod” were given their “marching orders”.

In Aug 2020, he messaged Mr Case to say there had been 7,400 new infections per day in France and that “we MUST enforce quarantine rules”.

Those big shots were dead set on locking people up if they decided to return home, putting them up in cheap hotels.


And what did they say about it to each other? Well, look. They thought it was funny!

They even targeted some people for special treatment–hey you: you get the matchbox room. I don’t like you!


This is, by the way, a discussion between the Health Secretary and the most senior bureaucrat in the UK. Yukking it up about how they have screwed over people dumb enough to return home to their own country.

Why? Well, they had told people not to travel, and these idiots decided to exercise their own judgment to do so. They simply must be punished for defying the will of their betters.

If anything, the UK bureaucracy is even more entrenched than ours, and it shows. The utter contempt they display toward their own citizens, the glee with which they discuss oppressing people, simply oozes out of every pore when their true faces are exposed.

These folks are having a fine old time jerking the public around, laughing at the idiocy of the public, and reveling in their ability to jerk their chains.

It’s disgusting.

Does any of you think this is solely a British phenomenon? I can assure you it is not. Think back to how many times our Elites were caught maskless while lecturing the rest of us. How many photographs of politicians and beautiful people have you seen enjoying a party while served by plebs in masks?


While the public trusted their “leaders,” those “leaders” were laughing. Chuckling at the pain they were causing.

They enjoy humiliating you.

None of this would have come to light without a whistleblower willing to sacrifice her career to bring it to light. How many other back channels exist between “leaders” where they laugh at the willingness to behave like dancing bears for the amusement of the ruling class?

We will never know. But if you trust any of our “betters” at least know you have been warned.


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David Strom 6:00 PM | March 28, 2025