Only 73 genders? Get with the times, man

(AP Photo/Hassan Ammar)

I find this story very disturbing.

A drag queen teaching a sex education class on the Isle of Man in the UK (sexism alert!!) kicked a student out of class for denying that there are 73 genders.


My response: there are 73 genders TODAY. This transphobic drag queen really needs to up his game on intersectionality, gender theory, and the emerging science of goat gender identity. Who knows how many genders there might be by next week?

For instance, I think it is time to debate whether each type of furry can be considered its own gender, in which case every new cartoon character could spawn its own gender or 3.

Then there are the issues of hand-drawn vs computer-generated characters, and the possibility that the cartoon character has its own gender identity that might even be fluid. We could have multiple recursive gender identities, and our education of children must reflect that fact.

The parents on the Isle of Man, who are objecting to this curriculum, are clearly right. This genderqueer drag queen is clearly transphobic, denying new gender diversity in favor of his own bigoted views.

Only 73 genders?! Appalling bigotry.

Parents got together and petitioned to have something done, one of whom spoke to the media:

The representative also alleged that one group of students was taught how to perform anal and oral sex. Another group was shown how skin grafts are taken from a patient’s arm to create an artificial penis for a transgender man.

Cox said some students are too “traumatized” to talk with their parents about what transpired.

The minister for education on The Isle of Man, Julie Edge, has said the Department of Education, Sports and Culture has made the “decision to pause all relationships and sex education (RSE) delivery across primary and secondary schools, and will be unable to comment further until the facts have been established.”


At least the drag queen was demonstrating proper sexual technique to the students, although I can understand their trauma. After all, on that recent Sam Smith video they witnessed a man drinking urine, and got no instruction on best practices for that. How are students supposed to know how to drink urine properly without instruction?

How many sexual practices were excluded, and were sheep involved? I hear they have a lot of sheep on the Isle of Man, and safe sex needs to be openly taught.

And they call this “Relationship and Sexual Education?!” They need to go back to the drawing board and include modern, relevant content. Coprophagia anyone? How will students be properly educated until we get into the real nitty gritty?

The Brits are so far behind the more enlightened schools in the United States. At least those in the Blue states.

The Isle of Man government has instituted a pause on Relationship and Sexual Education–required curriculum since 2022 on the Isle–until they finish an investigation into the shameful revelations from the incidents at Queen Elizabeth II school.


The recently departed Queen, I am certain, would be properly appalled. Any curriculum that refuses to acknowledge the infinite variety of genders, the importance of learning about every paraphilia, best practices for sex with animals, and similar subjects clearly needs revision.

QE II was famously an advocate for every perversion known to mankind, and embraced the entire spectrum of sexual deviancy. A school named after the Queen must be properly progressive.

Thank God they are rectifying that oversight. I look forward to a more diverse and inclusive curriculum both in Great Britain and the United States.

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