Hoist with their own petard

AP Photo/Steven Senne

“Hoist with his own petard” is an odd phrase. It comes from Shakespeare’s Hamlet, describing a bombmaker getting blown up with his creation.

That perfectly describes what is happening to the Left-wing New Venture Fund, one of the largest dark money groups in the country. In 2021 they raised $964 million to blast conservatives with vile accusations and push Leftist causes. And many of those accusations, of course, are based upon the slander that Republicans are a bunch of knuckle-dragging racists.


Well, guess what? Two of their employees are accusing the New Venture Fund of being knuckle-dragging racists.

How sweet it is!

The Washington Free Beacon has the story.

Two former employees of a major liberal dark money group say they were subjected to racism and discrimination in the workplace, according to wrongful termination lawsuits obtained by the Washington Free Beacon.

Both suits allege that the New Venture Fund, a dominant player in Democratic politics that operates a network of liberal organizations,  paid black women less than white counterparts, and that black employees risked being fired for pushing back against discrimination. One employee, hired as a racial equity consultant, said she was “subjected to racial harassment” and frequently shouted down by white colleagues during discussions about race.

The liberal dark money behemoth claims to “fearlessly” integrate the principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion in all its work. The allegations, from employees at separate New Venture Fund affiliates, implicate senior executives and suggest the group’s stated commitment to racial “equity” does not extend to its black employees.

Certainly, by the standards of the DEI crowd the melanin-deprived can’t be anything but racists. You can “do the work,” but the simple fact is that all white people are evil racists who use their privilege to crush the hopes and dreams of Black people.

I have been reliably assured of that by the New Venture Fund-type Leftists, and apparently, it is true–at least of the New Ventures Fund White people.


You’ve all heard the ideological BS coming out of the Leftists on race. It exists to ensure that no matter the reality, the most privileged Black person in America can claim to be oppressed by the least privileged White person in America. It is a convenient ideological construct in a political system that rewards claims of victimhood.

The inconvenient fact, though, is that the Left is populated by mostly White privileged people. That billion dollars didn’t come mainly from the contributions of Black working-class people; it came from rich White Democrats who are cosplaying “allyship” to get the votes of much more conservative minorities.

Here is the Board of Directors of the New Venture Fund:

Well, at least for the New Venture Fund the petard is blowing up in their face:

Both lawsuits accuse New Venture Fund of systematically paying black women less than their white counterparts, and claim minorities risked termination if they dared to blow the whistle on the group’s internal racism. The most recent claim comes from Francesca Weaks, who filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against New Venture Fund on Jan. 31. Weaks worked as a racial equity consultant for a New Venture Fund “pop-up” group called the Local Solutions Support Center. She alleges the New Venture Fund looked the other way as she and her diversity, equity, and inclusion colleagues were “subjected to racial harassment.”

It soon became obvious there was a custom of leaders speaking over Black individuals when they were speaking about race, diversity, and equity,” Weaks alleges in her lawsuit. The lawsuit also describes a June 2021 incident in which a white executive interrupted Weaks during a discussion on “inequities and Critical Race Theory.”

Weaks alleges her contract with New Venture Fund was wrongfully terminated in June 2022 because of the concerns she had expressed regarding the organization’s “unethical and racist practice.” She is seeking damages of $250,000.


You can imagine the situation: a White executive shelling out millions of dollars to people whose job it is to throw tantrums about racism gets exactly what she paid for–but it was directed at her. So she told the employee to sit down and pay attention or lose her job.

That’s oppression, just as it is when your boss asks you when your quarterly report will be done. By the definition of the antiracists, the characteristics that make somebody a good employee are by definition “White.”

Q.E.D. If New Venture Fund expects their employees to do their job well they are enacting White supremacy. And now they are getting sued for it.

How sweet it is.

A second black woman, Sarah Walker, filed a lawsuit late last year saying she was subjected to rampant racial discrimination and was fired in October 2022 after calling attention to structural racial pay inequities and alleging financial fraud. worked for the New Venture subsidiary Secure Democracy from 2019 to 2022 and rose to become the group’s vice president.

Walker, a black woman who says she suffers from lupus, also alleges the group denied reasonable accommodations to treat her condition while simultaneously granting concessions to a white executive who suffered from the same disease.

“The progressive public image of New Venture Fund did not translate to a progressive work environment,” Walker alleges in the lawsuit filed late last year. “Ms. Walker faced discrimination during the entirety of her employment, and called out the workplace injustices experienced by her and others.”

Walker, who declined to comment for this story, claims in her 41-page lawsuit that in early 2021 she was forced to act as a “race coach” for a white executive obsessed with discussing racial dynamics at every turn. At one point during those sessions, the white executive questioned whether Walker was actually a black woman “because of her light skin color,” Walker alleges.


(I actually know Sarah Walker. She worked for the Minnesota Department of Corrections and left under a cloud, accused of corruption and outing a sexual assault victim improperly.)

In these cases, I am 100% behind the Black women suing New Venture Fund. First, because in my experience some of the most racist people in America are whiny white woke women, and secondly, the Left can and should be held to their standards.

If demanding work for pay is White supremacy, then they should have to give up their White supremacist demands.

Either that or drop the whole charade. It’s like when a college puts out a statement confessing that they are oppressors, and then are shocked that the Trump Administration investigates them for oppressing minorities. That was sweet, although Biden quashed the investigation because he supports White supremacy or something.

As you know, this is all a grift, and as with The Sting the funniest grifts are those turned against grifters.

I wish these women well.

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