Limited Run Games has fired an employee after a campaign by a single transgender activist. He/she/it was triggered by a tweet the employee made about looking forward to a game based upon the Harry Potter Hogwart’s school.
Yes, this tweet eventually got an employee fired.
Looking forward to playing a Harry Potter game is indeed prima facia evidence that you are just waiting to hunt transgender people in the dead of night. It rightly made “Purple Tinker” fear for their safety.
Purple Tinker went on a research spree against Kara Lynne, digging up further evidence of her wrongthink. It turned out that among the people that she followed there was LibsofTikTok and a few other conservative accounts. Even worse, in 2016 she questioned whether perverts might abuse the loosening of rules regarding single-sex bathrooms to stalk women. Guess what? Lots of people worry about that.
Clearly this made Purple Tinker unsafe, and Limited Run Games would have none of it. They are open minded and support people regardless of their politics, but if you follow LibsofTikTok you are a potential terrorist and simply must go. You make people “unsafe.”
LRG respects all personal opinions, however we remain committed to supporting an inclusive culture. Upon investigating a situation, an employee was terminated. Our goal as a company is to continue to foster a positive and safe environment for everyone.
— Limited Run Games (@LimitedRunGames) January 6, 2023
This is a classic example of respecting “all personal opinions”. Personally I think anybody whose opinions differ from mine should be fired and exiled to the 9th Circle of Hell, but I, too still respect those opinions. There can be no “positive” and “safe” environments if dissent from the trans agenda is allowed.
So who is the person whose feelings about being “unsafe” got this poor person fired? A character named “Purple Tinker,” who happens to be both transgender and a fan of sleeping with minors. He created a convention, “BronyCon,” that brings adults who love “My Little Pony” together. Children are also encouraged to attend.
I did more research into Purple Tinker and the fact that Limited Run Games fired someone over old tweets but will not address this is horrifying. I would show more but her account is gone. my apologies if you follow me for warhammer content or fun memes but this has shocked me.
— Idiotic Syn Syn (@idioticsynergy) January 8, 2023
This guy is a total freak, but with the power to claim that he feels “unsafe” because there is a conservative who likes to play games out there. Limited Run Games chose to appease this guy by firing one of their employees. Because she likes Harry Potter and follows LibsofTikTok. She hasn’t tweeted a thing about Trans issues in 6 years.
Purple Tinker stalked, doxxed, and threatened to murder another Brony for 2 years.
She sent her stalking victim child rape porn. She defended pedophilia. A very long account w/ 100s of recipts is on Tumblr.
This is who Limited Run Games fired a girl for *being conservative.*
— Datareacer (@Dataracer117) January 8, 2023
It’s pretty clear that we are long past the time when anybody can claim that being transgender makes anybody “marginalized.” A transgender pedophile can get somebody fired for following conservative Twitter accounts, liking Harry Potter, and disagreeing with the idea that any old guy can walk into a women’s bathroom or use a women’s locker room any time they like.
A loon who likes to dress up as a unicorn can literally take your ability to feed yourself if and when they like. This is where we are in today’s world.
The fact that the Left has wholeheartedly embraced pedophilic furry creeps while turning their guns on anybody who doesn’t is amazing to me. Sure, I know the Left can be ridiculous, but I keep on thinking that there is some limit to their willingness to destroy people in the name of “tolerance.”
Embracing and following the lead of an obvious grooming stalker who defends raping children, one who creates a venue with the obvious intent of using it to groom children ,would have seemed a bridge too far.
But, as is so often the case, I underestimate how sick and twisted the Left can be.
I still believe that most liberals are basically normal and decent people who simply think we are exaggerating when we point to these perverted people as a growing problem. I have discussed the gender identity crisis in our schools with liberals who agree that it is troubling, but who shrug it off as “incredibly rare.”
It clearly isn’t. The gender ideologists control vast segments of our culture. It simply must be stopped.
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