Most medical professionals don't believe the public health establishment

You might be under the impression–based upon what politicians, the MSM, and the public health bureaucrats say–that there is near unanimity within the medical profession that non-pharmaceutical interventions such as masking and social distancing actually work to prevent the spread of COVID.


You can be forgiven if you think this, because that is the Narrative being pushed on us. The Science™ says so, so it must be true.

But remember, The Science™ is Fauci–he told us so–and not the method used to pursue the objective search for truth. It is no longer a method, but a collection of people with an agenda.

One of my favorite Twitter follows is Dr. Vinay Prasad, who rose to prominence by being one of the few and the brave voices of reason during the pandemic. He actually benefited because the medical establishment didn’t recognize him as a threat early on–he was just another doctor and researcher who they thought posed little threat to their monopoly on Truth™. But over the pandemic he gained a following based upon his well-reasoned arguments and thoughtful analyses.

His take is pretty much what the mainstream take would have been 5 years ago. Cautious, curious, pro-intervention when it makes sense, while recognizing the limitations of what we can actually do.

He posted a couple of tweets that pointed out the obvious: no matter what the powers-that-be are saying, actual medical practitioners are done with COVID nuttiness.


Health bureaucrats and institutions may be pushing a return to masking and lockdowns, scaring everybody with ridiculous zombie scenarios, but actual health practitioners are clearly not buying into the hype.

Doctors may even be mouthing the words required of them–repeating what the bureaucrats tell them to say–but the truth is revealed in their actions. And their actions say that they don’t believe a word of it.


Crowded parties, no masks, no social distancing, and  even the dreaded laughing and singing we were told to avoid abound.

I don’t see the hypocrisy that the politicians who partied in private while preaching in public–I see doctors who have been cowed by the punishments meted out to dissenters. They just want to practice medicine, and if the bureaucrats require it they will recommend what they see as harmless if useless interventions such as masks.

Such is life. We dance to the tune of our masters.

But they clearly don’t believe the hype, or buy the fear that the bureaucrats and politicians are selling.

So take a cue from the people who are exposed to diseases every day at work. They are surrounded by germs you never want to meet. If they are willing to party unmasked in close quarters, I suggest that panic isn’t warranted.

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | March 25, 2025