King's College in London doing study on menopause in "trans-women"

Not to put too fine a point on it, but men pretending to be women do not get menopause.

That isn’t an obstacle to the researchers at Kings College in London. Apparently they got some money to research the non-existent phenomenon.


No, I am not kidding. Why would you think that? If scientists can study the effects of cow farts on the climate, why not spend a few dollars to find out how menopause effects trans-women?

Researchers from King’s College London wish to explore transgender women’s beliefs, attitudes and expectations/experiences of menopause and hormone replacement therapy (HRT). It is hoped that the study will help to build knowledge to better support transgender healthcare, wellbeing and the transgender community as a whole.

The study consists of a short online questionnaire on your personal views and experiences of HRT and menopause. It will also collect some background information, such as your age, ethnicity and employment status. The survey will take about 10 minutes to complete and we ask that you complete the survey and should be completed in one sitting. Participation in this study is voluntary and completely anonymous, so your answers cannot be traced back to you.

Should you have any queries about the study or your rights, please feel free to contact Sophie Mohamed at [email protected] or Myra Hunter at [email protected]   Please click here to complete the survey.

The study is now closed, so if you wanted to share your own experiences or expectations I am afraid your chance to do so is gone. Sorry I didn’t find this earlier.


When I saw a link to the study I assumed it was a joke, but silly me, I just haven’t wrapped my mind around how ridiculous our intellectual masters have become. No matter how clownish you know they have become, they actually are much worse.

There actually is a method to their madness. What they are doing is generating a body of fake “science” that they then can refer to when arguing that trans-women are real women. It is of a piece with Planned Parenthood and others arguing that men can get pregnant.

None of this is harmless. Money that could have been spent on researching real health issues was instead wasted on this nonsense.

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