
Snow Blight And the Box Office of Doom: Off the Beaten Path!

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Welcome back to our VIP video series "Off the Beaten Path," featuring my friend Christian Toto of Hollywood in Toto! Christian and I start off our week by discussing stories and ideas that may fly under our radar, in culture, politics, sports, and more. Plus, Christian previews his latest podcast at HiT.

So ... other than that, Ms. Snow, how was the box office? Christian and Ed talk about the Disney debacle at the cinema this weekend, and why the film could still recover -- if it weren't for all of the bad vibes from its star. We also look at an even bigger flop from a real Hollywood A-lister this weekend, and why the era of mob movies may be over. Rob Lowe accuses California and LA of killing the film industry, and the only problem may be that Lowe underestimates the damage. We also discuss Hollywood's reaction to the controversies at Columbia ... University, that is, not Studios. Is Susan Sarandon defending free speech or stanning for domestic terrorism?

Watch it all and join us in the comments!

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