Hillary hears dead people encouraging her to keep running

I hadn’t realized that M. Night Shyamalan is Hillary’s campaign adviser now. At least this time she’s not channeling Eleanor Roosevelt.

ABC News’ Eloise Harper and Kate Snow Report: In McAllen, Texas this morning Senator Hillary Clinton, D-N.Y., said she wasn’t giving up on her race for the White House.

Speaking about her work in South Texas as an organizer for George McGovern’s 1972 presidential campaign, Clinton said two strong Texas women inspired her — Congresswoman Barbara Jordan and Texas Governor Ann Richards.

Clinton said they taught her about courage and determination. Then she suggested that she is hearing from them even as her campaign struggles to compete after a string of losses.

“I can hear their voices saying, ‘You keep going! You give the people a real choice about the future!'” she said at a campaign event.

Jordan was the first black woman elected to the Texas state legislature and served in the U.S. House of Representatives from 1973-79. She died in 1996. Richards, a larger-than-life Governor, passed away in 2006.


Does it get cold in the room when the departed break out their “You Go Girl!” pom poms?

As for describing Ann Richards as “larger than life,” sorry ABC but I was in Texas during part of her reign. She was a one-termer who only won in 1990 because her GOP rival Clayton Williams made a very awful joke in front of a group of reporters. And she still only won that election narrowly. She lost to George W. Bush in 1994, and Bush went on to become the first Texas governor to be re-elected to consecutive terms in eons. He went on from there to where he is now, after dispatching Richards to the political wasteland (for which all Republicans should be forever grateful to W). She was not larger than life. I met her once and on that day, at a family campaign event for then state Senator Ted Lyon in East Texas, Ann Richards was drunker than life. But larger than life, Ma Richards was not.

Back to Hillary. I hesitate to give away the twist in case anyone here hasn’t seen The Sixth Sense yet, but suffice it to say that Hillary’s campaign might be just as much alive as the Bruce Willis character turned out to be.


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