Chelsea breakfasts with 21-year-old "super delegate"

I won’t use the word that David Shuster and Keith Olbermann used because it was out of line and because I like my blogging privileges, but, uh, well, uh, just read the story.


Jason Rae is a typical junior in college.

He spends several hours a day in class at Marquette University in Wisconsin where he is majoring in history and political science. He is closely following the Marquette basketball team and has the Golden Eagles’ schedule memorized.

But not many 21-year-olds start their Monday with a personal breakfast with Chelsea Clinton, as Rae did this morning at the student union at the nearby University of Milwaukee.

Rae got the one-on-one treatment from the former — and possibly future — first daughter because he is a Democratic National Committee member from Wisconsin and thus a “super delegate,” one of the 796 free agents who can back any candidate in the race for the Democratic nomination.

The dude’s been getting pestered by pols on his phone too.

Rae has been called on his cell phone by former President Clinton and former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright who tried to woo him to the Clinton side and Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry, who was pushing for Rae to endorse Obama…

Former President Clinton called Rae on his cell phone, Jan. 25, the night before the South Carolina primary.

Rae was about to head out to dinner with friends when his phone rang and the screen said, “Number withheld.” The voice on the other end said: “Please hold for the former president” and then a familiar voice said “Hey Jason, it’s Bill here.”

“I started to think, is this real? I am a junior in college and Bill Clinton is talking to me?” Rae said as he recalled the phone call.


Rae says he won’t endorse until Feb 19 and will base his super delegate vote on electability. Which probably means that in spite of Chelsea’s breakfast and Elvis’ phone call, he’ll end up super delegating for Obama.

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