Omar bin Laden seeks visa to live in the UK, become a "peace activist"

I’m sure nothing can go wrong here.

British Embassy officials in Cairo have interviewed Omar bin Laden who plans to settle down with his 52-year-old wife Jane Felix-Browne at her home in Cheshire, have a child through a surrogate mother and work as “peace activists”, the Daily Mail reported in London on Sunday.

The son of the world’s most wanted man and five-time divorcee Jane, now Zaina Al Sabah bin Laden, have given the British Embassy in Cairo – where they are currently living – access to their bank accounts to allow checks on authenticity of their relationship. Omar has recently divorced his first wife, the mother of his two-year-old son, to prove that his marriage to Jane is nothing but “genuine”.


Can’t you feel the love!

A story about the blushing grandma bride from last summer contains this wholly unsurprising passage.

She had met his fourth son, Omar, on a riding holiday in Egypt and fallen madly in love. The fact that his father was the most notorious terrorist the world has ever known was never something that was going to stand in Jane’s way.

It seems it’s not even an issue that was discussed at length before the marriage ceremony.

Today, she is taking family loyalty to a somewhat improbable level, insisting again that the Bin Laden patriarch might just be innocent. With a jaw-dropping combination of stupidity and naivety, she says in her best school ma’am voice, when I raise the question of the Twin Towers: “I mean, do you know – beyond all doubt – that he did it?

“If so, I’d like you to show me the evidence. I don’t think it’s nice to make assumptions about someone when you don’t know the facts.”


Yup, I’m sure the UK will grant that visa asap.

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Ed Morrissey 10:00 PM | September 06, 2024