Your heartwarming rescue story of the day comes from Australia.
A 54-year-old man was waiting for a train and fell onto the tracks just as a freight train roared into the scene. A 14-year-old punk rocker kid sees the fall and springs into action.
“I jumped down on to the tracks, lifted him off the ground and put him on my shoulder – he was heavy but there was enough adrenaline rushing through to help me,” said Julian, who is in year 9 at Lisarow High School and plays guitar in punk rock band Checkered Fist.
With the train “just a couple of metres away”, Julian moved the North Gosford resident to the edge of the track and rolled him under the platform.
But danger was not totally averted.
“[As the train roared past] the noise pierced your ears and there was a suction that pulled us in,” Julian said.
“I’d seen that on MythBusters, so I stayed right back and pulled Mark back towards me.”
The train eventually passed safely, and the pair chatted until ambulance officers arrived.
The kid is a local hero, his punk band got a new song out of the experience, and all’s well.
So watch Mythbusters. Your life or the life of a perfect stranger could depend on it. And the redhead’s kinda cute.
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