Interview with Scott Pruitt, talking regulatory reform, scandals, the RFS and... swamp monsters

This morning I had the opportunity to interview EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt on Hot Air’s Facebook Live page. I’ll embed the full, 15 minute interview below but here are a few of the choice takeaways.


On trying to streamline the agency: Pruitt discussed the level of cooperation he’s received from Congress in his efforts to consolidate agency functions and reduce costs while still scaling back wasteful regulations. He’s mostly pleased with the level of congressional cooperation but there have been some bumpy moments.

On the apartment rental scandal with Vicki Hart: The Administrator provides details of how that rental agreement was set up and the review process it went through. “This was like an airbnb rental where you rent a unit and the owner still has access to it. In fact, they did access it throughout my time there.”

On the Renewable Fuel Standard and RINS: Pruit acknowledges the issues we have with the RFS and RINs. “There needs to be, in my view, reform to the RIN market because the volatility of that market is contributing to bad outcomes.”


On being a “Swamp Monster”: Despite what was written by the Washington Post editoral board recently, Administrator Pruitt does not admit to being a cryptozoological creature, nor can he confirm that he will be starring as a villian in an upcoming Marvel superhero movie.

There’s more about the EPA’s move to only accept real science rather than secret science in their decision-making process as well as some hints at new regulatory moves on the horizon. Enjoy the interview.


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