Hillary Clinton backs the highest soda tax ever proposed

There’s just something about Democrats and soda, though I’m unsure how it all got started. You probably recall when Michael Bloomberg (who only had an “R” after his name at various times for reasons of political expediency) tried to outlaw certain soda sales entirely in order to save people from themselves. That effort failed in the courts, but the standard, fallback position for liberals is to simply tax things you don’t like out of reach of the consumer. Of course, you need to veil your tax scheme under the guise of doing something good for the people. That’s what we saw this week in Philadelphia when Hillary Clinton gave a hearty endorsement to Mayor Jim Kenney’s plan to institute the biggest soda tax ever seen in the nation. (RNC)


At A Campaign Event In Philadelphia, Clinton Voiced Support For Democrat Mayor Jim Kenney’s Proposed Soda Tax.

CLINTON: “We obviously have to do a whole lot more to avoid what they call the ‘school to prison pipeline’ and replace it with a ‘cradle to college pipeline’ and that really starts early, and it starts early with working with families, working with kids, building up community resources. I’m very supportive of the mayor’s proposal to tax soda to get universal preschool for kids. I mean I don’t, you know, we need universal preschool, and if that’s a way to do it, that’s how we should do it.” (Hillary Clinton, Roundtable In Philadelphia Pennsylvania

One frequent complaint from Hillary apologists is that her words are too often “taken out of context” as she tries to bring larger issues to light. That’s not the case here at all as you’ll see in the video. This is about as straightforward as it comes.

For those of you stuck with Common Core math, allow me to help you out. A three cent per ounce tax works out to sixty cents for a single serving, 20 ounce bottle of pop and more than two dollars for a standard two liter bottle to put in your refrigerator. We just went shopping this week and I found several two liter bottles which cost less in total than the tax which Kenney and Clinton are proposing. This will apparently be for the betterment of society.


So this scheme is supposed to break the school to prison pipeline and primarily help the poor and minorities, right? That’s going to be a tough sell in those specific communities since one study after another shows that the people who will be paying this huge tax bump are exactly the folks you claim to be trying to help. (Daily Mail)

The new CDC report may be ammunition. It found about half the population drinks a sugared beverage each day.

Males consume more than females, with teenage boys leading the pack. On average, males ages 12 through 19 drink the equivalent of nearly two cans of soda each day.

Poor people drink more than the more affluent. Low-income adults got about 9 percent of their daily calories from sugary beverages; for high-income adults it was just over 4 percent.

Blacks get more of their calories from sweetened beverages than other racial and ethnic groups

When we think of huge tax increases and Democratic candidates for the presidency this year, Bernie Sanders is usually the first name to come to mind. At least he’s honest enough to come right out and tell you that he’s going to massively increase taxes on everyone to pay for his grand socialist proposals. But Clinton isn’t shy about unleashing the tax man on you either and it’s low and medium income workers who will pay the most for her plans.



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