Freedom for the terps

I’ve written before about the plight of interpreters, or terps, who have helped the US military since the 2003 invasion of Iraq. The terps have been indispensable to the struggle to stabilize Iraq. Many of them have given their lives, and all of the Iraqis who become terps will be in danger for years to come no matter how stable Iraq eventually becomes.


While Hollywood depicts our troops either as misguided or as monsters, the troops that Michelle and I met at Task Force Justice are proving what our troops really are: The best warriors in the world and the best people in the world. I received an email from our friends at Justice a couple of days ago; the troops there have recently helped two Iraqi terps obtain their visas and have seen them through all the way to the US. They will get to live in real freedom for the first time in their lives. The troops are calling their effort to help the terps get to the US the Task Force Justice Underground Railroad, referencing Harriet Tubman’s secret network that freed slaves in the 1800s.

The troops at Justice also report that as the US is seen to deliver on promises it has made to the terps, more young Iraqis are joining up to become terps and help US troops communicate with local people to win the war. Becoming a terp is definitely not the easiest way out of Iraq; it’s one of the most dangerous jobs in the entire country. But I don’t think that they’re joining just to get out of Iraq. They’re joining to help our troops fix and stabilize their country. They’re using their language skills to help fight the war however they can.


I just want to thank and congratulate the two terps who have ridden the TF Justice Underground Railroad to the US and to thank them for their service. They are examples of Iraqis who, contrary to what the Democrats keep saying, are stepping up to help the war effort. They helped our troops help their country.

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